I am very new to lifting. Started in February with a bench of 135 at BW of 210. I am now benching 265 at the same BW. Long term goal is to head in a bodybuilding direction but I figured since I'm new it will probably be the same as anything we else till I get more advanced. My body fat % is around 30%. I am 5'11". Sorry all that is for context to my question.

Should I cut down to https://9apps.ooo/ 15% to start a cycle of cuts and bulks while trying to minimize fat gain (I know I'll gain some and that's okay) or should I maintain my weight to recomp? I can visibly see the differences in my arms/shoulders/pecs versus when I started. I am getting stronger on every lift and machine I use. If I was skinny I would probably just bulk but I'm fat already lol so not sure if I need to cut back first before I really try to build serious muscle.
