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  1. #1

    Default Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    these are excerpts from the "satanic bible", i edited somethings that i dont really agree..

    i dont personally believe in satan or god for that matter, i am an aetheist by choice.. although some points and ideas here really got to me..
    some of the concepts are very individualistic and selfish, but i do accept that we are instictively selfish, with of course the capacity to be kind, loving etc.. but our prevailing core human instincts are those of selfishness, self preservation, lust, greed, etc.. but remember we also have free will, and the power to chose..

    anyway, here are some chapters from the satanic bible, hope u enjoy reading:


    MAN is aware that he will die, someday. Other animals, when nearing death, know
    they are about to die; but it is not until death is certain that the animal
    senses his coming departure from this world. And even then he does not know
    exactly what is entailed in dying. It is often pointed out that animals accept
    death gracefully, without fear or resistance. This is a beautiful concept, but
    one that only holds true in cases where death for the animal is unavoidable.

    When an animal is sick or injured he will fight for his life with every ounce of
    strength he has left. It is this unshakable will to live that, if man were not
    so "highly evolved" would also give him the fighting spirit he needs to stay

    It is a well known fact that many people die simply because they give up and
    just don't care anymore. This is understandable if the person is very ill, with
    no apparent chance for recovery. But this often is not the case. Man has become
    lazy. He has learned to take the easy way out. Even suicide has be come less
    repugnant to many people than any number of other sins. Religion is totally to
    blame for this.

    Death, in most religions, is touted as a great spiritual awakening--one which is
    prepared for throughout life. This concept is very appeasing to one who has not
    had a satisfactory life; but to those who have experienced all the joys life has
    to offer, there is a great dread attached to dying. This is as it should be. It
    is this lust for life which will allow the vital person to live on after the
    inevitable death of his fleshly shell.

    History shows that men who have given their own lives in pursuit of an idea have
    been deified for their martyrdom. Religionists and politics leaders have been
    very crafty in laying their plans. By holding the martyr up as a shining example
    to his fellow men, they eliminate the common sense reaction that willful
    self-destruction goes against all animal logic. martyrdom and
    non-personalized heroism is to be associated not with integrity, but with
    stupidity. This, of course, does not apply in situations which involve the
    safety of a loved one. But to give one's own life for something as impersonal as
    a political or religious issue is the ultimate in masochism.

    Life is the one great indulgence; death the one great abstinence. To a person
    who is satisfied with his earthly existence, life is like a party; and no one
    likes to leave a good party. By the same token, if a person is enjoying himself
    here on earth he will not so readily give up this life for the promise of an
    afterlife about which he knows nothing.

    The Eastern mystical beliefs teach humans to discipline themselves against any
    conscious will for success so they might dissolve themselves into "Universal
    Cosmic Awareness"--anything to avoid good healthy self-satisfaction or honest
    pride in earthly accomplishments!

    It is interesting to note that the areas in which this type of belief flourishes
    are those where material gains are not easily obtainable. For this reason the
    predominant religious belief must be one which commends its followers for their
    rejection of material things and their avoidance of the use of labels which
    attaches a certain amount of importance to material gains. In this way the
    people can be pacified into accepting their lot, no matter how small it may be.

    Only if a person's own ego is sufficiently fulfilled, can he afford to be
    kind and complimentary to others, without robbing himself of his self-respect.
    We generally think of a braggart as a person with a large ego; in reality, his
    bragging results from a need to satisfy his impoverished ego.

    Religionists have kept their followers in line by suppressing their egos. By
    making their followers feel inferior, the awesomeness of their god is insured.

    Religious martyrs have taken their own lives, not because life was intolerable
    for them, but to use their supreme sacrifice as a tool to further the religious
    belief. We must assume, then, that suicide, if done for the sake of the church,
    is condoned and even encouraged--even though their scriptures label it a
    sin--because religious martyrs of the past have always been deified.
    It is rather curious that the only time suicide is considered sinful by other
    religions is when it comes as an indulgence.


    People often mistake compulsion for indulgence, but there is a world of
    difference between the two. A compulsion is never created by indulging, but by
    not being able to indulge. By making something taboo, it only serves to
    intensify the desire. Everyone likes to do the things they have been told not
    to. "Forbidden fruits are sweetest."

    Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary defines indulgence thusly: "To give oneself up
    to; not to restrain or oppose; to give free course to; to gratify by compliance;
    to yield to." The dictionary definition of compulsion is: "The act of compelling
    or driving by force, physical or moral; constraint of the will; (compulsory,
    obligatory)." In other words, indulgence implies choice, whereas compulsion
    indicates the lack of choice.

    When a person has no proper release for his desires they rapidly build up and
    become compulsions. If everyone had a particular time and place for the purpose
    of periodically indulging in their personal desires, without fear of
    embarrassment or reproach, they would be sufficiently released to lead
    unfrustrated lives in the everyday world. They would be free to plunge headlong
    into whatever undertaking they might choose instead of going about their duties
    half-heartedly, their creative urges frustrated by denying their natural
    desires. This would apply in the majority of cases, but there will always be
    those who work better under pressure.

    Generally, those who need to endure a certain amount of hardship to produce to
    their full capabilities are in basically artistic vocations. (More will be said
    later about fulfillment through self-denial.) This does not mean to imply that
    all artists fit into this category. On the contrary, many artists are unable to
    produce unless their basic animal needs have been satisfied.

    For the most part, it is not the artist or individualist, but the average
    middle-class working man or woman who is lacking the proper release for their
    desires. It is ironic that the responsible, respectable person-the one who pays
    society's bills--should be the one given the least in return. It is he who must
    be ever conscious of his "moral obligations," and who is condemned for normally
    indulging in his natural desires.

    It has been clearly established that the majority of all illnesses are of a
    psychosomatic nature, and that psychosomatic illnesses are a direct result of
    frustration. It has been said that "the good die young." The good, by Christian
    standards, do die young. It is the frustration of our natural instincts which
    leads to the premature deterioration of our minds and bodies.

    It has become very fashionable to concentrate on the betterment of the mind and
    spirit, and to consider giving pleasure to one's body (the very shell without
    which the mind and spirit could not exist) to be coarse, crude, and unrefined.
    TO "TRANSCEND" INTO IDIOCY! By way of bending their behinds around to meet their
    navels, subsisting on wild and erotic diets like brown rice and tea, they feel
    they will arrive at a great state of spiritual development.

    "Hogwash!" He would rather eat a good hearty meal, exercise
    his imagination, and transcend by means of physical and emotional fulfillment.
    It seems that after being harassed with unreasonable religious
    demands for so many centuries, one would welcome the chance to be human for

    The Eastern mystic is even more preoccupied than the Christian with
    avoiding animalistic actions that remind him he is not a "saint", but merely a
    man--only another form of animal, sometimes better, more often worse, than those
    who walk on all fours; and who, because of his "divine spiritual and
    intellectual development" has become the most vicious animal of all!


    Having to use religion as an excuse for their masochism is bad enough, but these
    people actually have the effrontery to feel superior to those who are not
    bound-up in self-deceitful expression of their fetishes! These people would be
    the first to condemn a man who found his weekly release with a person who would
    beat him soundly, thereby releasing himself from the very thing which would, if
    unreleased, make him--as they are--a compulsive church-goer or religious
    fanatic. By finding adequate release for his masochistic desires, he no longer
    needs to debase and deny himself in his every waking moment, as do these
    compulsive masochists.

    Indulge in the seven deadly sins, as they need hurt
    no one; they were only invented by the Christian Church to insure guilt on the
    part of its followers. The Christian Church knows that it is impossible for
    anyone to avoid committing these sins, as they are all things which we, being
    human, most naturally do. After inevitably committing these sins financial
    offerings to the church in order to "pay off"God are employed as a sop to the
    parishioner's conscience!

    If all attempts to sell something (be it a product or an idea) have failed-***
    will always sell it. The reason for this is that even though people now
    consciously accept *** as a normal and necessary function, their subconscious is
    still bound by the taboo which religion has placed upon it. So, again, what is
    denied is more intensely desired.

    There is certainly much evidence that past religions are, every day, lifting
    more and more of their ridiculous restrictions. Even so, when an entire religion
    is based on abstinence instead of indulgence (as it should be) there is little
    left when it has been revised to meet the current needs of man. So, why waste
    time "buying oats for a dead horse"?


    You cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love
    everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up
    being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used too
    freely it loses its true meaning. Therefore, you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the
    other cheek to your enemy!

    Love is one of the most intense emotions felt by man; another is hate. Forcing
    yourself to feel indiscriminate love is very unnatural. If you try to love
    everyone you only lessen your feelings for those who deserve your love.
    Repressed hatred can lead to many physical and emotional ailments. By learning
    to release your hatred towards those who deserve it, you cleanse yourself of
    these malignant emotions and need not take your pent-up hatred out on your loved

    There has never been a great "love" movement in the history of the world that
    hasn't wound up killing countless numbers of people, we must assume, to prove
    how much they loved them! Every hypocrite who ever walked the earth has had
    pockets bulging with love!

    Every pharisaical religionist claims to love his enemies, even though when
    wronged he consoles himself by thinking "God will punish them." Instead of
    admitting to themselves that they are capable of hating their foes and treating
    them in the manner they deserve, they say: "There, but for the grace of God, go
    I," and "pray" for them. Why should we humiliate and lower ourselves by drawing
    such inaccurate comparisons?

    This is so only because people are afraid to face the truth--and the truth is
    that human beings are not all benign or all loving. Just because the people
    admit that he is capable of both love and hate, he is considered hateful. On the
    contrary, because he is able to give vent to his hatred through ritualized
    expression, he is far more capable of love--the deepest kind of love. By
    honestly recognizing and admitting to both the hate and the love he feels, there
    is no confusing one emotion with the other. Without being able to experience one
    of these emotions, you cannot fully experience the other.

    Rules of the Earth

    1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
    2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
    3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
    4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, let him/her leave.
    5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
    6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
    7. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
    8. Do not harm little children.
    9. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
    10. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, retaliate you can take him/her.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    is there no God?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    its really a matter of choice if you to choose to believe in a god.. anyway, i posted this just for fun.. to the people who have read this, dont take it too seriously..hehehe

  4. #4

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    maybe it's a matter of how one defines his "God". . .

  5. #5

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    mao sad.. sa satanism nga religion gani kay you yourself are your own god, therefore you worship youself.. weird sa..hehehe pero ila sad na, ang ako sad nasabtan atong taoism or budhist bato kay reaching nirvana or enlightnment ila "god", murag "god" for them is a goal.. something like that. basin sayop sad ko..hehehe

  6. #6

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    you have all the right to ur own thoughts sir . . . One cannot see the negative without a positive . . . One cannot say there is no God, if he doesn't have a belief of what a God is . . .

  7. #7

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    mao sad.. im not trying to convert anyone to my beliefs man boss.. just want to share my ideas lang.. i would never want to rob somebody of an idealogy in which he/she is at peace with.. everyone finds faith, happiness, contentment in their own ways..

  8. #8

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    as i've said, you have the right to ur own thoughts sir . . .

  9. #9

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    ok boss.. sorry for being defensive.. want to clarify lng.. kasagaran tao discriminate or persecute what they dont understand or do not want to understand.. anyway.. mao rato.. hahahahaha :mrgreen:

  10. #10

    Default Re: Excerpts from the SATANIC BIBLE

    discrimination is for the weak mind . . .

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