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World won't end

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If you think year 2012 will be the end of the world, then you must be out of your mind. Counseling is best for you. Predictions like that by ancient civilizations is, more or less, a hoax, a most shameful way to shock people of any races across the globe.

Dying is definite, mark my word. But we’re not going to die together like what Mayans claimed could happen; one by one we’d be gone astray while the rest will stay temporarily. And they are the one who will cry for an hour or overnight when you pass on, the more the tears streams down from their eyes, the better your chances of sitting along His throne up in heaven. Every shriek of cry, He counts.

So, the luxury of truthful predictions won’t give any of us the benefit of profound anticipation, and of course, pointless preparation. Any day, anytime, any minute and any second now, downfall of anybody’s life can happen. So live each day in an adventure way and forget about your investments and money, cause it won’t count in the next life anyway.

If one dies, many live. If millions of people dies the world won’t stop. Human extinction doesn’t exist in science vocabulary. Every tragedy in this world will become history. The world will continue on and on, rolling towards endless voyage, like Lance Armstrong’s cycling career, refuses to end, always yellow without the assistance of doping.

The world is beyond next decade’s “year of the dragon”. I don’t care that much and I discourage everyone of digging deep and acquire pack of survival supplies. You’re just wasting your time, and funds. Instead, focus on keeping an eye of your core than your earthly life.

In the end, the world won’t come to an end, and so do your soul.

My newly written blog is dedicated to Archie Irag, a man so true to his words.

About the Author

ecently connected as a staff in Philippine Mining Service Corporation. A
creative writer who loves to inscribe what he sees and feels. Spirited
towards scripting excerpts of his own awareness who had an
uncontrollable desire to write down what’s in his mind, fiction or
non-fiction, takes his free-time imagining things only words could be
put to describe them. He loves to connect friends with his words, not
photos. Blogs for the sake of his hobby, not for money.

To get a piece of his writings, you need to treat him burger and fries. It’s worth the price.

His website is - Index. Email him anytime at, or



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