After Your RAI - In Hospital and at Home
, 03-08-2018 at 01:20 PM (4273 Views)
After my RadioActive Iodine Treatment (RAI), there's this feeling of contentment and achievement that cannot be explained. Amidst the fact that I was diagnosed with cancer, that feeling that you have done something right, somehow. This surreal feeling won't be there without the help of friends who extended their overflowing support online and through numerous calls and messages, to my family who always there to listen and respect my life goals, to the doctors who help me pave the way to making well-informed decisions, to the different organizations especially RAFI-EJACC who contributed a lot for this therapy, to my clients who supported my time off and provided the means to continue the fight - these, I can't stress enough how thankful I am.
I thought I was alone, but you guys made me realize, I wasn't.
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