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Date a girl who takes photographs

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Date a girl who takes photographs. Date a girl who is a natural story teller and weaves her story from the photos she takes. Date a girl whose favorite sound is the 'click click' of the shutter of her camera. Date a girl whose favorite necklace pendant is of the shape of a camera. Date a girl who sees the wonder in simple things and tries to make you see a bit of herself in the shots she takes. Date a girl who looks at the world in wonder.

You might find her in the park lost behind the lens as she blurs the rest of the world around her. With a camera around her neck or in her hands, she won't whine about how her favorite pair of jeans got ruined as she kneels down to get a better angle of her subject. She is the one who walks slowly for she never rushes, fearing she might miss something beautiful. Or you might find her sitting down with a photo magazine while she appreciates all the hard work that has gone through in taking those perfect snaps.

For dates take her out to photo walks instead of some fancy restaurant. Laugh and playfully fight while she tries to take a candid picture of you. Give honest feedback when she asks about the pictures she took. Feel the pictures as she shows them to you with the childlike innocence in her eyes. Tell her you love her repeatedly until she comes back from her world of photographs and then kiss her when she lifts her head from the camera.

Take pictures of her without her knowledge.Compile them and gift it to her on her birthday. Listen to her ideas on the way back to home and once you reached home, change your Facebook picture into the one she clicked that day. She silently hoped for it.

Date a girl who takes photographs because she will never be afraid to go for any adventure. She likes to stay out and feel the sunshine. Her biggest inspiration being the nature. Date a girl who takes photographs as she will teach you how to look at the world with a whole new perspective everyday and will do it unknowingly.

Date a girl who takes photographs. She will never whine about a little dirt on her favorite pair of jeans as she kneels down to get a better angle of her subject. She will never be afraid to take adventures with you. She will take photographs of you not just with her camera but with her mind as well and keep it to herself to admire at night. But above all, she will teach you how to look at the world with a brand new perspective and she will do that unknowingly.

Date this girl and your life will never be the same again.

Marry a girl who takes photographs. Ditch those wedding photography books and give her the most beautiful wedding you could. She will teach your kids to find the beauty in everything just as she had taught you. Every day will be an adventure as she tries to create memories photograph-worthy with you. She may wake you up in the middle of the night because she is buzzing with ideas but she will make it up in the morning with a stack of hot pancakes beside a steaming cup of your favorite coffee blend.

Grow old with a girl who takes photographs. Sit with her on the front porch as you both pore over the bits and pieces of the moments you’ve had together. Stroke her hair as you both relive the photo walks that you took and the places you have been when you were both young. Smile as you both reenact your clever wedding vows.

Date a girl who takes photographs because she will always see that “something” in the most “nothing” of things. She will never let anyone take you away from her like she never lets anyone steal her photos and that is just one of the evidences that she loves you.
Photography , Love


  1. gealon2024's Avatar
    Are you the Girl who takes photographs?
  2. cuteboy_kahoy's Avatar
    Then date a boy who loves pictures but don't have camera....cos every important detail of a picture is stored on his head...
  3. leumanuel12's Avatar
    hala.. alam na this..
  4. gracie7's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by gealon2024
    Are you the Girl who takes photographs?
    Very much
  5. tiolos's Avatar
    Hey. My story is more interesting. I have a girlfriend who works as a *** cam model on weekends. Well, you know, such *** chats where you can watch a real girl on a webcam, something like that [url][/url] . I'm okay with that. That's work, and that`s that. I know that she only loves me. She has a separate room for this. The room is locked, and no one can enter it. And besides, we have a child. Everything is OK.
  6. reminok's Avatar
    You have a strange idea of girls. There are those who actually love to take photos and have several accounts on social networks. They like to share their experiences and facts from life. But this is the format that is more suitable for young. I myself have long been in 40 and prefer to use dating on [url=]bromodates[/url]. I have only a few criteria for choosing a partner for a date) I am not capricious


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