Precious Illusion
, 11-13-2015 at 11:36 AM (3601 Views)
When you say you're staying because it's me you wanted, make sure you mean it. Or you're just wasting your f***ing time. Because I'm already tired of the chase, I'm tired of all the BS. Life is too short to build a relationship you don't even wanted at the first place.
I'm tired of being your teddy bear that gives you comfort when the real live person isn't there. While it's not exactly fair for you, for me to expect you can snap out fast from your last failed relationship, worse a marriage life you had, I can't seem to look at the issue at the positive light anymore especially when trust is broken between us, when betrayal has happened over and over again.
I don't need someone who sneak around behind my back after giving my trust. I have already loved you more than I loved anyone else, more than I have loved my self. You have reminded me that love shouldn't be this way, love should allow you to love yourself more. I'll take all the blame of your another failed relationship but I will never take a relationship full of lies, dishonesty and betrayal. I'm f***ing done being your doormat... I'm done being your comforter... I'm done being the sideline and the spare-tire all along. I'll take my love away from you and give it to someone else who deserves this kind of love. I don't need your kind of love - your love is a precious illusion.