CONFESSIONS of a Friendster King! Part I
, 01-18-2009 at 10:20 PM (4207 Views)
originally posted at Friendster Blogs, July 31, 2005
November 2003… it was a typical "first-week funk" afternoon in TC, way klaro klase, way maestra, etc. So me and my friends decided to tambay in one of my other classmates home to play NBA live… Another day in the office for Neal, the homeboy, as he bamboozled every challenger in his sight… he beat me by almost 20, or even 30 points, twice, on the same afternoon… he also did that two 2 more of my companions, so we decided to lie-low on the game and to browse muna on the internet, NBA news, chics, etc… as I opened the explorer, wat popped out as a default page was Neal’s smiling, chinky-eyed face. So i asked him "unsa man ni bai?"… he said that this keeps him busy right now, browsing at new pictures of his friends, old and new… "FRIENDSTER.COM!", he added…"a website where you can post pictures and connect yourself to almost anyone, greet old friends, make new friends, see crushes and make Kanchaw to classmates, hehehe"… "Aah, ok fine, pero gasto na man sad ni bai maau unta naa ko diri sa inyo pirmi kay libreng internet, heheh!", I jokingly replied… He let me browse his account and I was able to search my old friends as well, so I relaxed a bit from another ugly beating in NBA live, as I looked at beautiful faces and read their profiles. He told me to make an account immediately, but I balked, saying "MAADIK NA SAD KO UNYA ANI!"…. so I went home. As I passed by USCTC, the lights outside GLOBAL ACCESS caught me, forcing me to hand the fare to the jeepney driver to unload… "Kay nakahuna-huna lagi’g himo ug account!" I told myself, "Ahak ui naay libre sa ilang Neal nangita pa jd kog bayranan!". So I would say the rest is history……….
The next few days… news spread like wildfire in the campus that the newest craze in town has finally arrived (albeit costly). Classmates started asking Neal about it, and he was as usual ever so cheerful in explaining how to register, etc… Until the number of classmates have grown each passing day… From Tata… Ronron… Poncemon… Alchie… Sir Van… all of them have asked my help how to create an account… Then, as the number went to about 15 or 18, we decided to create a GROUP account for our batch. We then shared passwords so that any of us can open it anytime… Then, we decided again to make another group account for Broken Hearted (as in FIRING SQUAD) people like me, but we decided to call it quits after the Valentines day.
But then again it was not enough… for me, that is!
First I started to create… an account which was quite similar to the Firing Squad, so I first called it AGAY KASAKIT (which I later renamed MASAKIT LOVERS), which was my expression if a girl breaks my heart hehe! I tried to add some of my classmates secretly, but soon they found out about it when my accounts multiplied like tadpoles… I loved the feeling of having a secret account so I tried another one, this time an account for our favorite tambayan, CUP AND SAUCER sa TC, as some of my classmates found out about it, they told other peeps add this account. As it drew a lot of Carolinians, I started on another account which was close to the hearts of the students. During that time a newly opened stall outside selling home-made french fries, British style, caught our eyes. So an account, FRIES SA TC, came into fruition. Later, one of our computer classes turned into somewhat a gaming station, as our good and energetic …(ay, di lang ko magtell!)… blah blah blah! So I decided to create the most popular software during that "Power Plant session", POCKET TANKS (which by the way is the grandfather of Gunbound)…
Do you think that’s the end?
… to be continued (find out next post)