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  1. #1

    Default All About Time Travel

    Do you agree that time travel is possible?
    Can we possibly go to the past or the future?

    Its been 3 days since the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight. And with all the mystery that surrounds its disappearance, I came across this post from Reddit:

    I think I know what happened to the Redditor on the lost flight, I'm afraid I've known for a long time... and so have the people I work for. : nosleep

    I don’t have much time, Internet connections aren’t allowed at the place I work at, at least not at a time like this. But I have to post this, you’ve gotten too involved, there’s too much information on this site for me to leave without adding to it, and I’m afraid there’s a lot to add.
    I can post a lot of stories here, and that’s because of the place I work at, but I don’t, and that’s also because of the place I work at. See, the organization I made my career at deals with things like this, and they deal with things like this very seriously, that’s all I can say without risking a lot of things. Anyway, I just lurk here because of my job, you guys are a good bunch, the stories are pretty good, but none of them hit like this one I saw recently. This one story that was posted about 3 days ago, but which I think I have known for about 18 years. I’ve been trying to find more info about it since it was posted, but it’s more serious than that, because it seems the guys I work for have also been pretty active around this “story” lately.
    Everything here has been written from memory, I’m working on getting official documents, but at the moment what I remember from the past projects I’ve been assigned to will have to do.
    When we started with the project, we were briefed that in 1983 a radio signal was intercepted by a US Navy ship somewhere off the coast of Los Angeles, apparently the Navy’s gotten similar contacts from the area before, but this one was much clearer, and they could make it out to be some kind of airliner distress call. So the Navy contacts the FAA and NORAD to alert them about the distress call, and they say there isn’t any aircraft in that area, nor has any aircraft they’re aware of has made a distress call in that time. Navy just classifies what happened as a radio malfunction, and nothing’s made of it
    Things stay calm for several years, then in July or August (I can’t remember which) of 1987 the local Coastguard station intercepts a similar signal. This time it’s clear it’s from an airliner, I think it was a mayday declaration or something, and it was serious enough for the Coastguard to send out Search and Rescue towards the Pacific, where they think the signal originated from. When the ships and aircraft get there, they can’t find anything, visual or on radar, and they’ve lost contact with the signal. They call NORAD and FAA, and it’s the same response as the last time from them. Things are getting weird, and that’s when we get involved.
    In 1995 I was assigned to the team that was to look into these incidents, and research any future contacts we make with the signal, from 1987 to the time I transferred out, we’ve had 11. I’ve heard the recordings of all the contacts, and was even there a couple of times when we intercepted the signal, and I can safely say it’s some freaky shit.
    Over the 14 years we’ve had sporadic contact with the signal, it always seem to originate from this one airliner, apparently still in the same flight. The signal signature, the flight number, the voice of the crew, it’s never changed. The duration of the contact varies a lot; we once had a contact that lasted about 2 seconds and the longest one I remember lasting more than 3 minutes. The signal is always glitchy, though to what extent varies as well, we’ve used software to clean up the recordings but still some things are indecipherable to us. And what they say, that was the most unsettling for me, not because of their consistency, but because of their content; “darkness”, “instrument malfunction”, “no response”, “mayday”, “descending”, “bingo fuel”, “ten thousand feet”, “two thousand feet”, “negative three thousand feet”, “help”, what the ****?
    We even made two way contact with the pilots a couple of times, but their reception must have been awful because they couldn’t really understand what we said, and weren’t able to learn much more than we already knew.
    I wish I could post the official transcripts of the contacts, but since I’ve been transferred out of the project I’ve lost access to them. Thankfully I’ve got a friend here who does our version of IT, and he’s trying to get to some of those documents, I’ll post them if he does.
    We researched the signal and kept knowledge about it out of the public, this kept up for the 14 years I was with the team, and then me and everybody else involved in the project got transferred out, some sector wide shift or something. Since then I haven’t really thought too much about it, it’s just work stuff you know, until I read that post here a few days ago.
    At first I thought it was just coincidence, that story can’t really be talking about the flight, right? But then I noticed something was up at work, people who worked with me in my previous project were being called up, I was asked if I had any new theories or research I could share about that project, they even took my notes I had made while working on it. I snooped around a bit and now I know there’s been a big development, and I’m convinced that the flight the OP of the other story is on is the flight, the flight that we made contact with in 1987 and, from what I can gather, has gone missing 3 days ago.
    Unfortunately it seems like the organization I work for is actively suppressing information about the missing flight, that’s what they usually do in situations like this. It’s why I can’t give you too many specifics like the flight number, their internet spy-bots work by searching for things like unique numbers and strings of words. I’m working on a way to deliver the complete information to the public, it’s just that it will take some time, have to be careful; you don’t wanna know what these guys will do to employees who leak information.
    This is all I can say for now, gonna go see if I can dig up more info on this. Hopefully the other OP can make another update soon, I wish the best for him and all passengers on that flight, maybe it might somehow turn out better than how I suspect it will, but I don’t know. Whatever this is, I know this is important, and I know it shouldn’t be kept hidden anymore.

    This is a response from this earlier post: My Last Flight : nosleep
    in which the writer was describing the weird phenomenon when there were two identical suns next to each other and all of a sudden was just complete darkness.

  2. #2
    C.I.A. Platinum Member carmicael's Avatar
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    the subreddit you linked with your post is not a venue for people to discuss science. stories discussed in that specific board are meant to provide "scare factors" to its readers. at the very least siguro pseudoscience ilang gi-discuss.

    - - - Updated - - -

    that said, arguably possible ang time travel to the future...

  3. #3
    Senior Member thuzhar's Avatar
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    hhmmm... hoax?

  4. #4
    theoretically possible but very very very very very technically difficult

  5. #5
    cge lang kay naa na jd nag discuss ani karon nga mga bangiitan ug mga alimpatakan nya possible ang time travel,,,but much tissue or cells ang madamage sah!

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicflakes View Post
    ...the writer was describing the weird phenomenon when there were two identical suns next to each other and all of a sudden was just complete darkness.
    Sorry but I've read and seen that scenario in several SF/fantasy stories.

    That aside, since the author claims they already knew the flight number, maybe it was an experiment. Then again, would it not be a paradox if the plane travels back to the same timeline?

  7. #7
    Sana nga possible na ang time travel para maraming maitamang mali

  8. #8
    Technology is continuously stunning us day by day as time travel is also one of the latest technology. It really pleased me to know about the facts of time travel so me and Assignment Masters are thankful to you for sharing some outstanding details here in this post.

  9. #9
    if maka time travel ko.. low key lang.. daogon toh 700M nga pize sa lotto nya retire dayon pag i.invest ang kwarta nya mag agad lang sa dividendo..

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