Hiring: Senior Data Analyst
DataMotivate, Inc.
Cebu Business Park, Cebu City

DataMotivate is a unique company that combines data services with a social mission of employing individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our vision is to transform our employees’ futures by providing a career in the BPO industry.

Our IT and technical staff are highly talented individuals who have a sense of purpose in their work and witness the impact of their talents in the lives of fellow Filipinos.

DataMotivate is managed by experts from banking and IT industries. We provide data services to companies worldwide through the use of leading technologies and platforms. Our work environment is highly professional with an ongoing focus on talent and people development.

Role Summary:
Seeking a full-time senior data analyst with at least three years of experience in the BPO industry. Candidate must be able to manage a team of Junior Data Analysts (JDAs) and conduct quality control and editing of their output. The position requires working closely with training and operations to improve production processes.

To apply, please send your resume to carla.aritao@datamotivate.com