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  1. #21

    uppppp.. for today..

  2. #22
    Do You Like Yourself?

    In the parties that I attend, I’ve noticed a common ritual that happens around the Videoke machine. I’ve discovered three stages in this ritual.

    First, someone is cajoled to sing for the group. He first declines adamantly like it was as preposterous as running for President of the Philippines. He in fact points to others who may sing better—but if for some bizarre reason, people don’t point back to him to sing, you will notice that he will go home utterly depressed and may hang himself…

    But let’s say the ritual is followed and people keep urging him to sing. The would-be singer declines now with shy humor—inviting them to pressure him more. He says inane stuff like, “Ayoko, baka ma-discover ako.”

    The second stage of this ritual is when the singer takes the microphone, pulls from his left pocket an instrumental CD and says, “Track 1.”

    The third stage happens after the song. Everyone asks for an encore—no matter if his voice gives everyone a brief introductory experience of the pains of hell. The Filipino audience is supposed to praise him with words like, “Naku, kailangang may makadiscover sa ‘yo! Kalinya mo si Martin Nievera!”

    Let me focus on one point about this ritual: This whole thing about getting “discovered”.

    I believe that in real life, getting discovered by someone else is not as important as discovering yourself.

    You discover the beauty, the glory, the wonder that IS you!

    Listen to a quote I got from Mike Murdock: “Popularity is when others like you. Happiness is when you like yourself.”

    Do you LIKE yourself?

    Do you enjoy being you?

    Do you celebrate and throw a party because of the goodness that God has bestowed on you from the very beginning?

    Let me say this again: Don’t wait to be discovered.

    Pray. Be quiet. Look within yourself through His eyes.


    And be completely awed at how beautiful, how special, how wonderful you really are.

    May your dreams come true,

    Bo Sanchez

  3. #23
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Find God In Everyplace,
    In Everything, In Everyone

    I love St. Francis of Assisi.

    But even if he has been my idol for my whole life, I’ve lived long enough on this planet to realize how different my life is from his.

    One of my favorite stories of Francis was when he was walking through a field of flowers and he ended up screaming, “Stop talking to me! Stop talking to me!” He later explained that he was so overwhelmed by what each flower was declaring to him: “God made us bloom because He knew you were going to pass by.”


    I mean, Wow!

    When I walk through a field of flowers, all I end up screaming is, “Stop giving me allergies!” and about seven Haaaachooooos per minute.

    St. Francis was the same guy who called everything “brother” and “sister”. I don’t mind calling the sun “brother sun” and the moon “sister moon”. But I think calling rats “brother mice” and roaches “sister roaches” is going a little bit too far. I just squash those crawling things without any permission from God.

    He was also the man who kissed lepers and embraced them. Simply because he saw God in each of them. Honestly, the first time I met a leper, I didn’t know whether to simply wave “Hi!” or pretend I was Japanese and clasp my hands in my chest and give him a reverent bow—just so that I wouldn’t touch him.

    You and I need lessons from St. Francis who saw God in everyplace, in everything, in everyone.

    I’m learning. One day, after giving a talk to a thousand people that I thought to be extraordinarily inspiring, I stepped off the stage feeling very proud of myself. I was immediately greeted by a female participant, and expecting the usual praise like, “Your words bless me so much!” or “You are terrific!” I bent down towards her so that I could hear her adulation above the deafening applause. Her words had impact.

    She said solemnly, “Your zipper is open.”

    After overcoming my desire to die that instant and after mentally selecting what remote island I could hide for a few hundred years, I began to laugh. Because I actually began to see God in the situation. I may have missed Him speaking to me in the field of flowers, and I may not have seen Him in rats and roaches (I still don’t), and I may have missed him in the first time I met the leper (I embrace them now!), but I didn’t miss Him in this humiliating experience. He was telling me, “You’re just my mouthpiece, boy. Humble yourself and loosen up.” Oh yes, I believe He also wanted me to zip up.

    I need to learn that every situation is a window where one can see the workings of Heaven. And everything is a self-donation of God, an explosion of His love that cannot be contained. And every person is sacred, bursting with His presence, His wisdom, His beauty.

    May your dreams come true,

    Bo Sanchez

  4. #24
    Magic Key To Wealth: Make Yourself More Valuable

    Believe that you have value.
    Believe that you have something to give to the world.
    Anthony Robbins says, The single most important and potent way to expand your income is to devise a way to consistently add real value to people’s lives, and you will prosper.
    If you can add to your life more skills, more ability, more intelligence, more creativity, more caring, more personalized service, more organized systems—and thereby increase the quality of life for the people around you—you’ll be able to earn more money.
    I’m not just talking about entrepreneurs. If you’re employed right now,make yourself more valuable to your company. Don’t expect a raise every year simply because you show up every workday! Develop your job skills, learn new ones, look for ways to improve your company’s products and systems, search for procedures to make the work of your boss easier, and think of ways where your company can save money.
    I know of someone who entered as a clerk in one of the biggest companies in the country. This guy simply didn’t stop making himself more valuable, he enrolled in any course he found useful to his profession. His bosses noticed his drive and kept giving him new responsibilities until he ended up as the company’s Assistant Vice President. Sound like a fairy tale? Not to me. I’m talking about my father…
    If you are self-employed, ask how your business can touch and bless the lives of your customers. Again, by making your business more valuable to people, earning profit can be the only consequence. My friend expanded his restaurant business considerably when he asked what his customers wanted to eat and at what prices. He asked questions. He took down notes. He experimented. Marketing people will say that he did a market analysis, but in my language, he simply learned how to love his customers in a better way.
    Discover Something That You Have
    That Others Need

    You have something that people need.
    I don’t know what that is, but I know it’s there.
    This is the basis of the entire world of business.
    This is why people like you and me can make a living, work in jobs, and earn a profit. “Having something that people need” is the foundation of any trade—whether it’s the guy selling peanuts down the street or the multi-billion corporate empires of the world.
    You have something that people need, and you need to discover what that something is. It could be some latent talent or skill or preference that you have. It could be your creativity. Or your patience. Or your dreams. Or your cooking. Or your talkativeness. Or your silence. Or your knowledge. Or your hobbies. Or your interests. Or your tastes.
    But somewhere out there, someone needs what you have—and they’re willing to pay good money for what you have.
    The Bible says, Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men. (Proverbs 22:29)
    I love the simple life. And the simple life is not poverty. The simple life also means earning efficiently—utilizing the least amount of time and energy for the most profit—so that you have time for spiritual growth, enriching family life, and loving service to brethren. I’m not talking about giving in to greed. I’m talking against underselling yourself and being inefficient in your use of time.
    I know of someone who was an excellent religion teacher in a school. For years, he loved sharing his faith to his students. But one day, his youngest child acquired a severe illness that needed expensive medical care, something he couldn’t afford with his current pay. Forced to look for a more profitable income, he asked himself what he had that others needed. One day, it just clicked in his brain: he’s a great teacher, but this time, he can teach professionals.
    Today, my friend is an in-demand speaker at human resource seminars, giving self-development courses for executives to rank and file employees all over the country. On the side, he impacts them with his faith perspective.
    I know of someone else who wanted to give jobs to the poor people who lived around her home. She always loved artwork, and so directed her attention in that field. With some encouragement from her husband, she designed some very simple gift items using native material, and entered a big-time exhibit in Manila. In her mind, she doubted whether anyone would like her very plain and easy-to-make creations. But in that exhibit, an English businessman saw her products, liked them, and made his first order.
    Her little “hobby” is now a successful export business that gives livelihood to eighty poor families.
    What do you have that others observed as significant, beautiful, useful, and very good? First, expand whatever that thing is. Increase it. Multiply it. Enhance it. And second, do some research. How do others who also have what you have make a living from it? Continue to be open.
    Discover something that you have that others need.
    May your dreams come true,
    Bo Sanchez

  5. #25
    Join us this Monday for our 3rd Talk on DETOX

  6. #26
    Does Bo Sanchez give talks in Feast Cebu? I used to attend to The FEAST PICC when I stayed in Manila for 4 months.

  7. #27
    Praise God @ sweetpok, we would like to invite you to attend Feast Cebu Sm every monday at 630pm(SM TRADE HALL). We have our own speakers here in Cebu, from time to time bro bo comes to give the talk.

  8. #28
    @jerome.c i am so hopeful i will be able to start attending. .busy man gud kaayo sa work karon, but we will always have time if we really want to right? i'm doing my best na maka-allot gyud kog time para ani, i miss the feeling of being at the feast.

  9. #29
    @sweetpok, you are most welcome to be with us one of these days at the FEAST. yes indeed its the happiest place on earth. if you have time to attend this coming monday just text me @09228539070.

  10. #30
    @jerome.c thanks2! will try, really try.

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