That's quite a feat. It knocked off perennial favorite, The Fat Duck in Bray, England, just west of London, from its lofty perch as the world's best. That's the word from an annual list of the world's best eateries compiled by Restaurant magazine with the help of 560 chefs and experts. Rounding out the top five are: The Fat Duck, France's Pierre Gagnaire, California's French Laundry and Australia's Tetsuya's.

The last time El Bulli, which is near Rosas in northern Spain, took top honors was in 2002, the first year the awards were given. One British newspaper critic called El Bulli "culinary nirvana." Operated by chef Ferran Adria, it features an experimental, almost scientific approach to cuisine that is called molecular gastronomy. The Sydney Morning Herald warned its readers that the place is booked solid for months in advance.

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