Studies have shown that applying a coconut oil hair mask to the hair or wig for 30 minutes can clearly see the effect of moisturizing and smoothing. If it is applied at night, the effect will be better.

What's coconut oil good for your HD lace frontal?
1. Reduce protein loss
2. Smooth your deep wave wigs and reduce frizziness
3. Keep curls moist
4. Soothe dandruff
5. Strengthen hair and reduce breakage

How to use a coconut oil hair mask to protect highlight wig?
1. First, wet your hair with a spray bottle.
Alternatively, you can apply a coconut oil hair mask in the shower.
2. Then, evenly apply a warm coconut oil hair mask to damp hair.
You can start by separating your hair and applying coconut oil to the manageable part. This will help ensure that each strand is covered.
Note: Apply more coconut oil to the driest part of your hair (usually the ends) and less to the healthier part of your hair (usually near the scalp).
3. After applying all your hair, place the shower cap on your head.
4. Let the mask sit for 1 to 2 hours.
Of course, you can leave the mask on your hair overnight for further conditioning.
5. Rinse with warm water, then wash and condition your hair as normal.

Some helpful tips on using a coconut oil hair mask
1. For best results, try to buy the best hair coconut oil - the unrefined variety (aka virgin or extra virgin), raw coconut, adds no chemicals, and has a distinctive coconut aroma.
2. Because it takes time for your hair to absorb coconut oil.
If you use this oil in the morning, your hair will look greasy.
Instead, it's best to use it at night and then wash your hair in the morning.
3. If you've never used coconut oil on your scalp, start with a small amount until you know how your skin reacts.
If you like the results and don't have any problems, apply oil about 2 to 3 times a week.
4. When it comes to removing coconut oil from your hair, keep in mind that you may need two or three rinses to completely remove the mask to remove smoothness.

West Kiss Hair's wigs are soft and shiny. They are made of 100% human hair. The effect is very real and natural. If you are interested, you can take a look.