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  1. #1

    Default Can the government afford to buy lands for the poor?

    If Christian movements such as CFC thru Gawad Kalinga or any other church organizations or private sectors can afford to donate homes/lands for the poor, why can't the government?

    Many politicians use the public money unwisely, they double or even triple the charges to any purchases for their useless projects that can't even help the people. Skywalks? lamp post? These projects that cost much but no use to many.

    My answer to the question, the government can afford to buy, but can't afford to donate!

    Share your thoughts guys....

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can the government afford to buy lands for the poor?

    the government can, but the officials wont.. because they can't get anything from it

  3. #3

    Default Re: Can the government afford to buy lands for the poor?

    If you ask the corrupt public officials, of course they wont. But katong mga dili corrupt, they will say yes.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Can the government afford to buy lands for the poor?

    money appropriation isn't as easy as it seems... corruption makes it worse... the government does not really have to donate lands to the masses... all they need to do is let the poor use them... but then again, once a suitable use for the land is found that would provide the government (and sadly, the corrupt officials included) additional income... it'd be harder to relocate the masses that have started living off those lots... so i guess them policy makers are trying to avoid a greater conflict in the future... which promotes discontent now and bigger problems in the future... *sigh*

    (why in the world am i posting here?! i know nothing and words are cheap.)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Can the government afford to buy lands for the poor?

    Quote Originally Posted by pinoytayo
    If you ask the corrupt public officials, of course they wont. But katong mga dili corrupt, they will say yes.
    sakto jud, if dli pa corrupt, dugay ra unta ta walay mga kabos sa kilid2x.. :mrgreen:

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