Not for the jetsetters in the group. Bitaw, I used to be a regular traveller on our interisland fleet of vessels, before the SuperCats and the "newer" ferries. I think my worse experience was spending Christmas in Third Class (that was the only ticket I can get in Manila at that time), eating my Christmas dinner consisting of slop (it looked like scrambled eggs, but tasted like mud) aboard a ferry the name of which escapes me now. Or how about being awakened by the crew collecting tickets, all the while the boat was being buffeted by huge waves while negotiating the seas of Siquijor enroute to Cagayan de Oro. Or how about the engines literally being shut down to give a WWII-era boat a rest, near the Camotes Islands, while enroute to Baybay? Well that's 3 experiences and few more. My best experience: running into an old high school "crush" while riding out a storm while docked in Manila. Needless to say, we talked about the "good old times" while we sailed all of 20 hours from Manila to Cebu. And then when we docked at Pier 2, we were literally greeted by a marching band. I still don't know what the marching band was all about, but it made for pretty dramatic walk down the damyo.