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  1. #11

    It depends on a particular type of marijuana that you use. If you use medical cannabis, especially CBD oil it will not affect your brain.

  2. #12
    Agree with the previous comment. Marijuana can be medical, and the influence of medical weed on brain differs much from a usual one. Medical cannabis and cbd oil (especially taken with good oil vaporizer ) have excellent anti-ceptic properties, they also provide with calming and relaxing effect and treat many symptoms this way.

  3. #13
    No problem with medical usage, but most people used it for recreational. I still don't understand why they are hooked with these things.

  4. #14
    Most users are teenagers. Those mentioned diseases are seldom to youngsters. As for unwinding for college students, there are plenty of recreation activities. Why choose drugs? The focus comes back after the effect wears off because the problem is still there and the cycle of using it is loop because of ineffective coping and lack of problem solving. Everything seems an excuse so they can use it. Daghan nadaot aning drugaha. Pacool kids pa more!

  5. #15
    Most of the research is in animal models and examines the effects of CBD in the hippocampus region of the brain. This area of the brain is thought to deal with emotions, learning, memory, and coordination. Therefore, changes in the hippocampus could affect any one of these processes. Most of the studies found that CBD did impact neuroplasticity. The majority of them showed that CBD increased the creation of nerve cells or the remodeling of nerve cells in the hippocampus of the brain. Many of them concluded that this was one of the reasons for how CBD can cause anxiety relief or antidepressant-like effects. Others mentioned this was how CBD could impact coordination and movement or even how it helps with memory loss. So yes it affects. As for me I use CBD from, it is good way to relax and sleep well!

  6. #16
    It is very important that you take some supplements for your brain. I recommend that you check out Canadian Pharmacy for some. You will surely find something good for you there. I take some vitamins too, and they help me stay concentrated and work better

  7. #17
    its very good information and deatiled. check etizoco for etizolam guides.

  8. #18
    How it affects brain? Very simple - it makes your brain totally unresponsible to some critical meanings when you really have it. I hope it will only get better anyway for any reasons you may clearly have with your ideas or so inside.

  9. #19
    marijuana is substance that cause addiction and affects not only the brain but the whole body

  10. #20
    In fact marijuana acts not on the brain but on the nervous system calming and thus not allowing brain activity to work. This is a great tool to relieve stress or get rid of an unpleasant feeling. In addition to marijuana you can also use СBD oils that I usually order on This tool helps me get rid of panic attacks and anxiety that has been haunting me for several years. These oils weaken the effect of pain and relax the entire body. Personally for me these oils are more worthy than marijuana because they really work

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