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  1. #181

    Philosophy of Vajrayana - the Path Royale:

    1. Kundalini Yoga

    Yoga is the control of thought waves in the mind. The word ‘Yoga’ comes from a Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’ which means to join. Yoga is restraining the mental modifications. It is that inhibition of the functions of the mind which leads to abidance of the Self in his real nature. Yoga is the Science that teaches the method of joining the human spirit with God.

    Yoga is the Divine Science which disentangles the chela from the phenomenal world of sense-objects and links him with the Infinite Bliss, Supreme Peace, Joy & Power that are inherent attributes of the Absolute. No Samadhi or enlightenment is possible without awakening the Kundalini. When the Yogi attains the highest stage, all his Karmas are burnt and he gets liberation from Samsara-Chakra.

    2. Awakening of the Chakras and Energy Centers of the Body

    In most people these psychic centers are dormant, inactive and so human potential is totally underutilized. The majority of the brain is dormant — untapped faculties being disconnected to conscious processes.

    Through systematic guided practices found in the Vajrayana School, one can energize and awaken each chakra, connect to these silent areas and awaken them. This eventually leads to the continuous experience of higher consciousness and full expression of our human capacity.

    The lotus is an archetypal symbol of the unfolding of self and expansion of consciousness. It symbolizes the journey from the lowest states of awareness to the highest. This is the human journey that passes through the phases of ignorance, aspiration and endeavor, illumination and ultimately enlightenment or diamond consciousness, in spiritual life.

    3. Myscticism

    Mysticism is the experience of one’s true blissful nature. It is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality through direct experience, intuition, or insight. Mysticism in our School centers on practices intended to nurture that experience or awareness.

    Also, it encompasses the process of attaining perfect health, peace of mind & prosperity.


  2. #182

    Default to the great, illustrious, Regnauld

    I am a 20-yr student of theosophy and a member of Theosophical Society here in Iba St. QC. You’re misrepresenting our society. Our founders Madame Helena Blavatsky and Col. Olcot both have a guru-- our illustrious Master Morya El. And Alice Bailey who has also been a theosophist publicly declared that Master K.H. is his guru. Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich were also theosophists and they declared that Morya El is their guru. The great Tibetan saint Milarepa has a guru named Marpa. The great Vivekananda has a guru named Ramakrishna. Paramahamsa Yogananda has Yukteswar Giri as his guru. Lahiri Mahasaya has Babaji as his guru. The Christian Apostles have also their guru, our Lord Jesus Christ. In both East and West, all those who have attained enlightenment have gurus. Who the heck are you to tell that there is no need for a guru? There is no literature in the world that tells that guru is not important. In Islam, Sufis have gurus, in Christianity, they have their Father Confessors and gurus, in Buddhist and Hindu, guru is a must, so where did you get your teachings? By the way, Krishnamurti left theosophical society. And if you notice, Zen masters both in Japan and China from Hui-neng, the very founder of Chan Buddhsim or Zen has a guru. I’ve studied Zen in Japan and I have a guru and my guru has a guru. Don’t misrepresent us theosophists, or maybe you are founding a new school—a guru-less school. Unfortunately, watch yourself; you’re becoming a guru, a guru of guru-less school. You said you are a teacher at USC, stop becoming a guro, because you don’t believe in guros... I declare again, no theosophical member like me will put in a public blog like this that gurus are not necessary. It is not theosophy. Wake up! You are a pretender. And stop speaking Latin, I know you, you are not a Latin scholar. Here in manila, ang tawag diyan KSP—Kulang Sa Pansin.

  3. #183
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a theosophist View Post
    I am a 20-yr student of theosophy and a member of Theosophical Society here in Iba St. QC. You’re misrepresenting our society. Our founders Madame Helena Blavatsky and Col. Olcot both have a guru-- our illustrious Master Morya El. And Alice Bailey who has also been a theosophist publicly declared that Master K.H. is his guru. Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich were also theosophists and they declared that Morya El is their guru. The great Tibetan saint Milarepa has a guru named Marpa. The great Vivekananda has a guru named Ramakrishna. Paramahamsa Yogananda has Yukteswar Giri as his guru. Lahiri Mahasaya has Babaji as his guru. The Christian Apostles have also their guru, our Lord Jesus Christ. In both East and West, all those who have attained enlightenment have gurus. Who the heck are you to tell that there is no need for a guru? There is no literature in the world that tells that guru is not important. In Islam, Sufis have gurus, in Christianity, they have their Father Confessors and gurus, in Buddhist and Hindu, guru is a must, so where did you get your teachings? By the way, Krishnamurti left theosophical society. And if you notice, Zen masters both in Japan and China from Hui-neng, the very founder of Chan Buddhsim or Zen has a guru. I’ve studied Zen in Japan and I have a guru and my guru has a guru. Don’t misrepresent us theosophists, or maybe you are founding a new school—a guru-less school. Unfortunately, watch yourself; you’re becoming a guru, a guru of guru-less school. You said you are a teacher at USC, stop becoming a guro, because you don’t believe in guros... I declare again, no theosophical member like me will put in a public blog like this that gurus are not necessary. It is not theosophy. Wake up! You are a pretender. And stop speaking Latin, I know you, you are not a Latin scholar. Here in manila, ang tawag diyan KSP—Kulang Sa Pansin.
    Ok I respect your POV mr. theosophist and I would like to share this with you in an open dialogue and friendly discourse. No need for you to insult and stop me from expressing my deepest thoughts and feelings because I would assume you are really a theosophist, aren't you?.

    Zen Masters have publicly said that we are all enlightened, the trick is knowing it (or getting in touch with it). And if you haven’t any idea what it feels like to connect to this state of being then all I can say is it is very difficult for anybody to express in words.

    Last edited by regnauld; 10-29-2009 at 12:00 PM.

  4. #184
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Just want to share this. I hope you will allow me to share why we have to be careful of those so called gurus nowadays. I am not saying gurus are not important. I would say they are secondary.

    The False Guru Test
    Andrew P—04/2006

    The False Guru test seems to have struck a cord here in the West because of the outrageous abuses and exploitation by gurus, many self-proclaimed and completely misguided.

    TAKE THE FALSE GURU TEST. If seven or more of the following describes your guru or spiritual teacher, then unfortunately he or she may not be be as enlightened or good for your soul as you would like to believe:

    States his or her own enlightenment: The wisest masters tend not to state their own enlightenment or perfection for they know that it is both unhelpful to themselves and to their students. The false teachers often make this claim because they have little else on offer to attract followers.
    Is unable to take criticism: False teachers strongly dislike either personal criticism or criticism of their teaching; they do not take kindly to ordinary unenlightened individuals questioning them. They or their organisations will even undertake multi-million dollar law suits to stop ex-members from spilling the beans.

    Acts omnipotently with no accountability: Some spiritual communities are run like concentration camps, with guru and his chosen ones acting like Gestapo officers. Unjust or outrageous behaviour by the guru is passed off as what is needed to help the followers grow (how kind). These are the dangerous gurus who have often severely damaged their students. A real master respects your will even if he or she understands that your particular decisions may not be in your interest, and he or she will act accountably to an ethical code of conduct.

    Focuses on enlightenment itself rather than teaching the path leading to it: It is amazing how much false gurus have to say about enlightenment. They argue their points in the same way that the scholars in the middle ages argued how many angels could sit on the head of a pin. Any fool can talk about the end goal because what is said is irrefutable to most of your listeners. What is skillful is guiding those listeners to having awakening within themselves. The real teacher focuses on the path and strictly avoids any talk on enlightenment.

    Does not practice what is preached: Contrary to spiritual myth, you don't reach a point of realization whereby you can then start acting mindlessly. If a teacher preaches love and forgiveness, then he should act that way, at least most of the time, showing suitable regret for any lapses). If he teaches meditation, he should meditate. If he insists that his followers live in austere conditions, so should he.

    Takes the credit for a particular meditative or healing technique: The fact is that meditation and guided visualisation work. Anyone doing them will experience major changes, benefits and realizations. The false guru will try to own or trademark particular methods and techniques so that she has something unique to attract followers. And she will hijack the effects of meditation as the guru's blessing rather than each individuals natural potential. Often the students or followers are forbidden from divulging the techniques to maintain a sort of intellectual property right, usually under the guise of needing the technique to be taught correctly.

    Specifically gives satsang or darshan when it is not part of his culture: Darshan is when the disciples or students of a master line up and to pass their master, who is usually seated, with either a bow or traditionally kissing their feet (yes it does happen). In the East, this is part of their culture and a normal thing to do to show respect and reverence (even children will kiss the feet of their fathers). However, here in the West, such copycat behaviour is a strong indication that the guru is acting a role. Satsang, on the other hand, means literally "the company of the Truth". In a deeper sense it is an affirmation of the Guru-Disciple relationship in Eastern traditions. But some Western gurus will use this terminology because they are playing a role.

    Lives in total opulence: There is nothing wrong with living in luxury or being wealthy. But when that luxury turns to unnecessary opulence using funds that were not explicity donated for that purpose then you are probably dealing with a false guru. Money is collected from followers usually in the form of donations, and those donations are given as an act of love, appreciation and to help spread the influence of the master. However, a genuine master is more likely to use such wealth to lessen the suffering in this world, not to buy another yacht, private jet or Rolls Royce.

    Encourages or permits adoration from his followers: Avoid any group that focuses on the "master" themselves rather than the teachings or spiritual practices. This will be a hindrance to your self-realisation for your focus will be drawn outside of yourself, and usually indicates that there is not a lot more on offer than guru worship.

    Presents himself or herself overly fashionably and glamorously: Beware of masters who present glamour photographs of themselves and dress overly fashionably (whilst proclaiming that they have no ego and leading ego-death retreats). Yes it does happen!
    Demands love and devotion from their students: Keep clear of any master who demands love and devotion. One very well known Western guru stated, "Anyone who loves me is guaranteed enlightenment"! Real love and devotion is earned over time when we begin to really know the whole person and not their public image.

    Speaks with an Indian accent or vernacular when he is in fact a Westerner: Not sure how much this happens now but there are some high profile Western gurus who have (or had) Indian accents, mannerisms and vernacular. Unless they have genuinely spent considerable time in other cultures, they are probably playing out a role.

    Runs expensive miracle workshops and courses: You are unlikely to reach enlightenment after a few weekend workshops with cheesy titles. In our society of "must have now", we want to be able to purchase spiritual development with minimal fuss. Also, avoid meaningless accreditation — it is often used merely to encourage followers to do more courses.

    Takes sexual advantage of his or her followers: This happens much more than many believe. It is not being prudish to include this one because when a follower falls under the spell of a guru he or she is likely to do anything for the Chosen One. It is only afterwards that it may dawn on the follower that his or her openness has been used and abused. This can be very psychologically scarring.

    Flatters you and treats you as very special: Sure we are all special in some ways, but this is one of the things that a false guru may do to hook a potential follower or to get a current follower to do a particular task. Nothing can be more intoxicating to the ego than to be selected by the master or leader (or any high profile person). A real master will stand back and allow you to make your decision whether to accept his or her teachings without trying to influence the process.

    Talks bollocks: It is surprising what a person will listen to when he or she is devoted to the speaker. It is always a good idea to get hold of a written transcript of what has been said and really read the message. Then tell an open-minded friend who is not a follower what their opinion is purely on the strength of the words. You will soon find out whether there is any real substance to the teacher's message, or whether you are merely being drawn in by the charisma of the messenger.

    Overly relies on slick presentation: Slick presentation can often mask poor content, and so it is important for you to look past the lovely music and video shows at the actual message. The slicker the presentation, the harder it is to see what exactly the teaching is.
    Gives him or herself outrageous titles: Not satisfied by being "merely" an enlightened being, many false gurus give themselves titles (or allow their followers to do so) to indicate that they are literally God-Incarnate, the reincarnation of the Buddha or Christ, or THE chosen one. Some continually change their names, to keep pace with their burgeoning egos.

    Runs abundance workshops: A guru or master is there to help us find an authentic life. This is nothing to do with becoming more successful at work or making more money, although this may or may not follow from being more authentic. There is nothing wrong with abundance weekends, but if we mistake spirituality for increased business success, then we are guilty of spiritual materialism and we find ourselves deeper in the illusion. (The Japanese say that the Gods laugh at those who pray for money.)

    Is not interested in you personally: If a teacher or guru does not have time to interact with you personally, then you may as well read his teaching from a book, because merely being in his presence doesn't help you find realization inside you. You may model some of his spiritual characteristics, but that often only places you deeper in illusion.

    Allows his followers to set up a hierarchy of access: A guru must be accessible. If he is not, or if he allows his followers to block your access, then he is playing the role of a king and not a spiritual guide. A guru is only useful to the process of awakening if you can directly interact with him. With the false guru, it is often the case of the more you donate the greater your access.

    Makes false claims of lineage: Many mistakenly believe that realisation can only happen under the guidance of a realized master. In this belief system, gurus are only authentic when they come from a line or lineage of realized gurus. Desperate not to be left out, some gurus claim a false lineage of enlightened masters to bolster their authority to teach. Another pseudo form of "lineage" is to recount a miracle that once happened to them (maybe they cured themselves of some disease or God spoke to them personally) which infers that they are "chosen" and therefore have the authority to set themselves up as teachers and gurus.

    Presents themselves as non-profit whilst raking in the millions: Often, the false prophet will present her teachings for free, whilst strongly encouraging her devotees to make large donations. In this way she can appear above money considerations, whilst maintaining her greed and opulence.

    Collects a large band of angry ex-followers: This is an indication that something is seriously wrong. If she has used kindness and love in her interactions with her students, and has discouraged them from projecting denied spiritual characteristics onto the guru (rather than encouraging their integration into the self), then it is extremely unlikely that there would be more than a few disheartened ex's. Many might drift away and feel they have wasted their time, but they are only likely to have the great anger if they have put their teacher on a pedestal, given him their power, and later realized that he was never worthy of such adoration. Contrary to what some believe, it is actually the teacher's responsibility to strongly discourage students from putting them on pedestals, for this is counterproductive to finding realisation inside.

    Uses pseudo-technology: Many false prophets and organisations base themselves around pseudo-technology in the effort to appear scientific — special meters, communication devices (do you really expect the aliens to use a mobile?) and energy clearing instruments and pendants that involve crystals and copper wire. Once again, this is to distract the unwary from the poor quality of the actual teaching.

    Acts like a complete paranoid mad person: If your Precious One acts like a complete paranoid schizophrenic or psychotic then he or she probably is. Run! Remember that there is no such thing as "crazy wisdom"—wisdom is the art of being balanced. However charismatic they may be, and sane between moments of madness, you WILL be damaged by them.

    The False Guru Test

    Last edited by regnauld; 10-30-2009 at 10:10 AM.

  5. #185
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Jiddu Krishnamurti - Guru cannot awaken you

    Questioner: In my view, the guru is one who awakens me to the truth, to reality. What is wrong with my taking to such a guru?

    Jiddu Krishnamurti : This question arises because I have said that gurus are an impediment to truth. Don't say you are wrong and I am right, or I am wrong and you are right, but let us examine the problem and find out. Let us inquire like mature, thoughtful people, without denying and without justifying.

    Which is more important, the guru or you? And why do you go to a guru? You say, ''To be awakened to truth.'' Are you really going to a guru to be awakened to the truth? Let us think this out very clearly. Surely, when you go to a guru you are actually seeking gratification. That is, you have a problem and your life is a mess; it is in confusion, and because you want to escape from it, you go to somebody whom you call a guru to find consolation verbally or to escape an ideation. That is the actual process, and that process you call seeking truth.

    That is, you want comfort, you want gratification, you want your confusion cleared away by somebody, and the person who helps you to find escapes you call a guru. Actually, not theoretically, you look to a guru who will assure you of what you want. You go guru-hunting as you go window-shopping: You see what suits you best and then buy it. In India, that is the position: You go around hunting for gurus, and when you find one you hold on to his feet or neck or hand until he gratifies you. To touch a man's feet - that is one of the most extraordinary things. You touch the guru's feet and kick your servants, and thereby you destroy human beings, you lose human significance.

    So, you go to a guru to find gratification, not truth. The idea may be that he should awaken you to truth, but the actual fact is that you find comfort. Why? Because you say, ''I can't solve my problem, somebody must help me.'' Can anybody help you solve the confusion which you have created? What is confusion? Confusion with regard to what? Suffering with regard to what? Confusion and suffering exist in your relationship with things, people, and ideas; and if you cannot understand that confusion which you have created, how can another help you? He can tell you what to do, but you have to do it yourself, it is your own responsibility; and because you are unwilling to take that responsibility, you sneak off to the guru - that is the right expression to use, ''sneak off'' - and you think you have solved the problem.

    On the contrary, you have not solved it at all; you have escaped, but the problem is still there. And, strangely, you always choose a guru who will assure you of what you want; therefore, you are not seeking truth, and therefore the guru is not important. You are actually seeking someone who will satisfy you in your desires; that is why you create a leader, religious or political, and give yourself over to him, and that is why you accept his authority. Authority is evil, whether religious or political, because it is the leader and his position that are all-important, and you are unimportant. You are a human being with sorrow, pain, suffering, joy, and when you deny yourself and give yourself over to somebody, you are denying reality because it is only through yourself that you can find reality, not through somebody else.

    Now, you say that you accept a guru as one who awakens you to reality. Let us find out if it is possible for another to awaken you to reality. I hope you are following all this because it is your problem, not mine. Let us find out the truth about whether another can awaken you to reality. Can I, who have been talking for an hour and a half, awaken you to reality, to that which is real? The term guru implies, does it not, a man who leads you to truth, to happiness, to bliss eternal. Is truth a static thing that someone can lead you to? Someone can direct you to the station.

    Is truth like that - static, something permanent to which you can be led? It is static only when you create it out of your desire for comfort. But truth is not static; nobody can lead you to truth. Beware of the person who says he can lead you to truth because it is not true. Truth is something unknown from moment to moment; it cannot be captured by the mind, it cannot be formulated, it has no resting place.

    Therefore, no one can lead you to truth. You may ask me, ''Why are you talking here?'' All that I am doing is pointing out to you what is and how to understand what is as it is, not as it should be. I am not talking about the ideal but about a thing that is actually right in front of you, and it is for you to look and see it. Therefore, you are more important than I, more important than any teacher, any savior, any slogan, any belief, because you can find truth only through yourself, not through another. When you repeat the truth of another, it is a lie.

    Truth cannot be repeated. All that you can do is to see the problem as it is and not escape. When you see the thing as it actually is, then you begin to awaken, but not when you are compelled by another. There is no savior but yourself. When you have the intention and the attention to look directly at what is, then your very attention awakens you because in attention everything is implied. To give attention, you must be devoted to what is, and to understand what is, you must have knowledge of it. Therefore, you must look, observe, give it your undivided attention, for all things are contained in that full attention you give to what is.

    So, the guru cannot awaken you; all that he can do is to point out what is. Truth is not a thing that can be caught by the mind. The guru can give you words; he can give you an explanation, the symbols of the mind, but the symbol is not the real, and if you are caught in the symbol, you will never find the way. Therefore, that which is important is not the teacher, it is not the symbol, it is not the explanation, but it is you who are seeking truth.

    To seek rightly is to give attention, not to God, not to truth, because you don't know it, but attention to the problem of your relationship with your wife, your children, your neighbor. When you establish right relationship then you love truth, for truth is not a thing that can be bought, truth does not come into being through self-immolation or through the repetition of mantras. Truth comes into being only when there is self-knowledge.

    Self-knowledge brings understanding, and when there is understanding, there are no problems. When there are no problems, then the mind is quiet, it is no longer caught up in its own creations. When the mind is not creating problems, when it understands each problem immediately as it arises, then it is utterly still, not made still. This total process is awareness, and it brings about a state of undisturbed tranquillity which is not the outcome of any discipline, of any practice or control, but is the natural outcome of understanding every problem as it arises.

    Problems arise only in relationship, and when there is understanding of one's relationship with things, with people, and with ideas, then there is no disturbance of any kind in the mind, and the thought process is silent. In that state there is neither the thinker nor the thought, the observer nor the observed.

    Therefore, the thinker ceases, and then the mind is no longer caught in time, and when there is no time, the timeless comes into being. But the timeless cannot be thought of. The mind, which is the product of time, cannot think of that which is timeless. Thought cannot conceive or formulate that which is beyond thought. When it does, its formulation is still part of thought.

    Therefore, eternity is not a thing of the mind; eternity comes into being only when there is love, for love in itself is eternal. Love is not something abstract to be thought about; love is to be found only in relationship with your wife, your children, your neighbor. When you know that love which is unconditional, which is not the product of the mind, then reality comes into being, and that state is utter bliss.

    December 19, 1948 Third Talk in New Delhi

    Related Article:
    Jiddu Krishnamurti on need of Guru - Can truth be found through another
    Last edited by regnauld; 10-29-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  6. #186
    Oh come on "Guru test from the West"? You're now an American? We're Filipinos we live in the East. Your advise is not for us because you're an American. By the way, Walt Whitman is an American. He declared that Ralph Emerson is his guru. The famous Helen Keller declared that Mary Bank Stacey is her guru.

    You know the rules in testing a guru? You're now a God. From Krishnamurti to Zen Masters to Buddhism to an Enlightened scholar. You're now a God. You can judge a false guru. I hope Mr. Theosophist answers you. You seemed to be cornered by Mr. Theosophist.

    I'm sorry Mr. Enlightened the description of a false guru you have given seems to describe you. You said that from Zen Masters all men are enlightened. If all men are enlightened no need for Jesus to come back. No need for Avatars to teach. I'm so happy I'm now enlightened!

    By the way I'm also a Theosophist. We have no teachings like that. Hi! Hello! Wake up! Am I talking to you or to a book or set of books? The things you tell about a false guru seems to describe you. You said a false guru would not declare any state of being. You have now declared a state of being! Tama si Mr. Theosophist! Nagpapansin ka! Tsang tigil mo na yan! The more you post the more you reveal your state!

    Brother, nahalata kita parang walang nagmamahal sa'yo. Galit ka sa mundo!

    Now we return to Krishnamurti. Before you declared you're a Theosophist now you're not a Theosophist na. Saan ka ba talaga Tsang?

    I think you were cornered by Brother Homo quaeritans, now you were knockdowned by Mr. Theosophist. Don't get up you will be a laughing stuff of the world! If I were you keep quiet! Don't you know Mr. Illustrious One that you're no longer a human, you're now a BOOK!

  7. #187
    kita na jud ug katapat si mr. book este mr. reg.

  8. #188
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illuminada View Post
    Oh come on "Guru test from the West"? You're now an American? We're Filipinos we live in the East. Your advise is not for us because you're an American. By the way, Walt Whitman is an American. He declared that Ralph Emerson is his guru. The famous Helen Keller declared that Mary Bank Stacey is her guru.

    You know the rules in testing a guru? You're now a God. From Krishnamurti to Zen Masters to Buddhism to an Enlightened scholar. You're now a God. You can judge a false guru. I hope Mr. Theosophist answers you. You seemed to be cornered by Mr. Theosophist.

    I'm sorry Mr. Enlightened the description of a false guru you have given seems to describe you. You said that from Zen Masters all men are enlightened. If all men are enlightened no need for Jesus to come back. No need for Avatars to teach. I'm so happy I'm now enlightened!

    By the way I'm also a Theosophist. We have no teachings like that. Hi! Hello! Wake up! Am I talking to you or to a book or set of books? The things you tell about a false guru seems to describe you. You said a false guru would not declare any state of being. You have now declared a state of being! Tama si Mr. Theosophist! Nagpapansin ka! Tsang tigil mo na yan! The more you post the more you reveal your state!

    Brother, nahalata kita parang walang nagmamahal sa'yo. Galit ka sa mundo!

    Now we return to Krishnamurti. Before you declared you're a Theosophist now you're not a Theosophist na. Saan ka ba talaga Tsang?

    I think you were cornered by Brother Homo quaeritans, now you were knockdowned by Mr. Theosophist. Don't get up you will be a laughing stuff of the world! If I were you keep quiet! Don't you know Mr. Illustrious One that you're no longer a human, you're now a BOOK!
    Relax lang my friend and dont be so reactive. It seems you possess a reactive mind. RELAX and CHILL UP my friend!

    I said I am just sharing and no need for you to be angry or be critical. RELAX and DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY!

    It seems you are just using a defense mechanism my friend which is PROJECTION when you said I was the one being described by the test. Sorry to say that. Just RELAX kasi po mahina kalaban nyo!

    BTW, sharing ra ni diri ug walay personalan! Kung kinsa tong mamersonal ay laging talo matud pa sa akong amigong tagawg!

    Theosophy does not force us what to study and what not to study. It is a personal journey. Even if I belong in TS, it does not mean I cannot quote from J. krishnamurti regarding GURU CANNOT AWAKEN YOU!
    Last edited by regnauld; 10-29-2009 at 01:27 PM.

  9. #189

    Default a grandfather's advice

    By the way brother, I don’t belong to the group you are attacking. I’ll never be because I’m a theosophist and Zen Buddhist. I just say that you contemplate. I am not being disrespectful to you, I am now 76 yrs old, I cannot even attend anymore our meetings. My method is to awaken you; as you implied that you have attained a certain state of being and yet here you are not in the theosophy thread and attacking this group. Everytime they post even a single announcement of their meeting, you butt in, sa tagalog inaalaska mo sila at binubuwisit. And you declare yourself a theosophist. Don’t you think my son you are dragging the name theosophy in your unethical attacks of this group and your quoting from books to defend that guru is not necessary? I pity you, naaawa lang ako sayo, nagmumuka ka lang tanga and many are reading this blogs. Nadadamay kme mga theosophists sa mga ginagawa mo. Stay away form this thread. Are these people attacking you? A true seeker of truth or mystic whatever you call it will not do this unethical thing you are doing. And you are revealing yourself that you are not a practitioner, and that you don’t really meditate nor contemplate that much. You are a reader of books. And these books have hypnotized you. This is enough. I have no time for this, I will not post anymore here. By the way, yes I have a precious one, my wife which I think you don’t have and my guru, my Japanese Zen Master. Live in peace, wag maepal anak. Masyado kang mapapel. Don’t make yourself a funny caricature of these people who will read this blog. That’s a grandfather’s advice. You are an educated man, anak, act like one. I’ll give you a piece of advice, there are no false gurus, there are only false students. A hypocrite and a false student attracts a guru that is like himself. Again, there are no false gurus. It is a Zen Koan that my Master gave me. Anak, pinagtatawanan ka na, bka mabasa to ng mga studyante mo sa USC, tong blog na to, and you will attain a calamitous state of being. I am protecting you. Ang laking kahihiyan. Goodbye.

  10. #190
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a theosophist View Post
    By the way brother, I don’t belong to the group you are attacking. I’ll never be because I’m a theosophist and Zen Buddhist. I just say that you contemplate. I am not being disrespectful to you, I am now 76 yrs old, I cannot even attend anymore our meetings. My method is to awaken you; as you implied that you have attained a certain state of being and yet here you are not in the theosophy thread and attacking this group. Everytime they post even a single announcement of their meeting, you butt in, sa tagalog inaalaska mo sila at binubuwisit. And you declare yourself a theosophist. Don’t you think my son you are dragging the name theosophy in your unethical attacks of this group and your quoting from books to defend that guru is not necessary? I pity you, naaawa lang ako sayo, nagmumuka ka lang tanga and many are reading this blogs. Nadadamay kme mga theosophists sa mga ginagawa mo. Stay away form this thread. Are these people attacking you? A true seeker of truth or mystic whatever you call it will not do this unethical thing you are doing. And you are revealing yourself that you are not a practitioner, and that you don’t really meditate nor contemplate that much. You are a reader of books. And these books have hypnotized you. This is enough. I have no time for this, I will not post anymore here. By the way, yes I have a precious one, my wife which I think you don’t have and my guru, my Japanese Zen Master. Live in peace, wag maepal anak. Masyado kang mapapel. Don’t make yourself a funny caricature of these people who will read this blog. That’s a grandfather’s advice. You are an educated man, anak, act like one. I’ll give you a piece of advice, there are no false gurus, there are only false students. A hypocrite and a false student attracts a guru that is like himself. Again, there are no false gurus. It is a Zen Koan that my Master gave me. Anak, pinagtatawanan ka na, bka mabasa to ng mga studyante mo sa USC, tong blog na to, and you will attain a calamitous state of being. I am protecting you. Ang laking kahihiyan. Goodbye.
    Ok I'm sorry if you were hurt. I'm only expressing my thoughts and feelings and I don't think there is wrong with that. I am not attacking this group, I am only sharing my POV. FREEDOM TO THINK is the essence of why I am writing here.

    I beg to disagree with you lolo. For me, there is a false guru or false prophet as what the bible said!

    Last edited by regnauld; 10-29-2009 at 01:44 PM.

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