We have several open positions, and are looking for self motivated, independent and dynamic candidates. You will work with our US based R&D team. We offer excellent compensations and bonuses. Salary 28,000 Php to 50,000 Php depending on qualifications. Please apply only if you satisfy the requirements listed for each position.

* We require a minimum of 2 years of experience in multi-tier web programming.
* We require excellent skills in : SQL, J2EE (Java, EJB, servlet, JSP)
* Additional knowledge in web technology servers is very welcomed: Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, and various DB Server
* Client side technology is an additional skill we are after: XML, Ajax, Java Script, DOM, CSS, OOD / OOP
* Project design and multi-tier system architecture experience will add to your candidacy

Apply only electronically to: jobs@quantsys.com with the header (web programmer)