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  1. #1

    Smile help!looking for cheap surgery

    Good day! I need some help, my friend needs a minor surgery regarding his condition.hes on a tight budget daw. anyways, he wanted me to help him canvas kung asa barato nga surgery regarding hernia daw plus the doctors fee nga buotan nga doctor.kanang maka sabot sa iya situation (which is broke) maybe he could borrow some money but dile daghan. can someone point me to somebody who could quote pricing sa mga cheap hospitals dire.bahala ward lang daw sya.hehehehe.. kaluoy! bitaw we could all lend a hand to someone in need right... can anyone shed some help on this.

    thanx alot!!! :d

  2. #2
    C.I.A. Sol_Itaire's Avatar
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    ask the doctor to perform the surgery in,say, sacred heart hospital instead of cebu doctors' or chong hua

  3. #3
    thanx Sol_Itaire. is sacred heart more cheaper than cdc or chong hua? will inform my friend tonight regarding this...

  4. #4
    C.I.A. Sol_Itaire's Avatar
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    ^i think mas mahal jud sa cebu doc and chonghua

  5. #5
    @fern... what type of surgery?

    i could recommend Visayas Community Hospital. much cheaper siya compared with other hospitals. i could recommend a doctor if i know the nature of the surgery. hernia what is that?

    does he need someone who has a specialty on bones or orthopedics?

  6. #6
    sir, what type of hernia?

    sir, i wud recommend VCMC... .

    or if he's really broke and hes from the province, try going to vicente sotto...

  7. #7
    Sotto jud bro kung broke ka... but never jud sa CCMC... tiwas jud ka hahah joke...

  8. #8
    By broke, its really a problem having surgeries.
    Define the extent of his being "broke"= how much budget has he got for this procedure? Herniorrhaphy.
    What type of Hernia? Direct / Indirect? Inguinal / Femoral? is it having Pain on him or some troublesome symptoms?
    I dont advise you to have the surgery performed in VSMC/CCMC.
    Chong Hua is great.. But Its also Ok in Velez... Their doctors are CIM grads. and although the hospital looks haunted, they provide good quality care. =) Im a CIM stud so im for CVGH. hehehe.

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