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  1. #21
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    To fingolfin No incest is not okay, that bible says so. To understand the dispensation of a particular period you must study the whole bible, yes the whole bible but then again how can you have understanding when all you do is read other people's work and spend zero time burning your own lamp.

    God has a specific dispensation for different biblical periods, this is taught in Bible schools. The command or the Law forbidding to marry one's own sister or brother came during Moses' period or time. In fact most of the laws came during his time. This is the period where God formally and systematically revealed the Religion He wanted Israel to follow. Before this period no official laws to be followed existed.

    During Adam and Eve's period the dispensation was simple- "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. "

    no laws of forbidding *** between relatives. God commanded them to multiply. Is this offensive? no because at that time they had no idea of what incest is. Their line was still pure. when humanity have reached a population and consciousness where it becomes dangerous to breed within your own relatives, God gave Moses' the law not to have sexual union with your own relatives.

    During Adam's time, the genetic pool was pure. It wasn't until later during Moses' time, that incest was then forbidden as the genetic pool became less and less able to stand interbreeding.

    by: JUDE_1:3

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    - in religion, this is how man came to be ...

    .. it was adam
    .. and then eve
    .. then they had two sons, CAIN AND ABEL
    .. CAIN killed Abel

    .... now, ... IF we follow that analogy.

    .. in the beginning, there were only 4 people on earth, ADAM, EVE, CAIN AND ABEL.
    .. ABEL died .. hence, three remains .. ADAM, EVE AND CAIN ...

    .. now, can somebody give us the names of the next children of adam and eve

    .. where did cain go ??

    .. if man really did came from adam and eve, then how come their descendants werent documented in the bible ?? how come there was a very big jump or gap in the time frame of genesis .. from adam and eve it went directly to Abraham and his children ...

    .. and, today, it is a scientific fact, that incest can alter the genes, it will produce abnormalities on the offsprings.

    .. again, if we follow that analogy ... granting that adam and eve had made lots of children after cain and abel, then FOR SURE, those children reproduced by way of incest, brother to sister, or even father to daughter, or even mother to son .....

    .. that is the very reason why i don't believe in the fairy tale that is The Story of Genesis.

    .. again, to those who believe in the Genesis ... give us the names of the next children of adam and eve
    Please see the link below for Adam anf Eve's descendants,

    Descendants of Adam and Eve

    For the genetics defects, please see link below, (science say the damage can be repaired)

    Human DNA Repair Genes -- Wood et al. 291 (5507): 1284 -- Science

  3. #23
    .. that link is very funny. Cain had a child named Enoch, but who was the mother There was only one woman at that time and it was Eve.

    .. and then you say that incest was still "legal" at those times, nyehehehehe... very very funny. oh damn, you're making your God one crazy god indeed. Your god has no foresight to the evolution of morals.

    .. ok tirong, imagine making a baby with your mother ?? can you stomach it as my son always say when he sees something gross " eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww "

  4. #24
    maybe that's where Lilith comes into the picture.

    and that "incest" thing, i think Oedipus Rex married his mother too.
    Last edited by fingolfin; 02-20-2010 at 05:24 PM.

  5. #25
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    Sir Fingolfin, Jude_1:3 (one of our newbie member) wish to give you his POV.

    Originally Posted by fingolfin
    you say that incest was still "legal" at those times, nyehehehehe... very very funny. oh damn, you're making your God one crazy god indeed. Your god has no foresight to the evolution of morals.

    this kind of statement makes me wonder of the kind of bolts used in your brain, it doesn't hold up.

    how can you say that God has no foresight to the evolution of morals? so illogical and so uneducated remark coming from you.

    first understand that God is the one who systematically formulated biblical morality, remember, he gave Moses the law forbidding incestuous relationship.

    It was allowed during Adam's time for a specific purpose, to propagate human race, but I wouldn't call it incest because there was no law yet forbidding sexual union with your relatives.

    Get this logic...the word incest means inappropriate intimacy or sexual intercourse between persons too closely related to marry legally.

    My question then to you is, during Adam's period was there a law prohibiting them not to marry their relatives? SHOW ME A VERSE. if you have none... give yourself a study of the bible, it might do you some good . but to spare you the hard work, listen to me...IF there was no law then there was no concept of incest, no concept no idea, no law, no violation.

    no law prohibiting anyone to walk across in middle of the traffic then no concept of Jaywalking, no law , no violation, you can freely walk anytime you like. No violation, no guilt.

    hmmm, you don't like God but you love His law against incest. care to explain?

    by JUDE_1:3

  6. #26
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    thanks a lot bro ha for doing this.

    this is my reply to fing...

    Originally Posted by fingolfin
    imagine making a baby with your mother ?? can you stomach it as my son always say when he sees something gross " eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww "

    whose making a baby with his mother? Is this a reference to Cain? if so, i would say, You are wrong. The bible has no records of Cain made love with Eve.

    if you want to discredit the bible do so with a poise of an intelligent man and not like a street rat. Im not saying that you are but be careful you might step over the boundary.

    by: JUDE_1:3

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    .. that link is very funny. Cain had a child named Enoch, but who was the mother There was only one woman at that time and it was Eve.

    .. and then you say that incest was still "legal" at those times, nyehehehehe... very very funny. oh damn, you're making your God one crazy god indeed. Your god has no foresight to the evolution of morals.

    .. ok tirong, imagine making a baby with your mother ?? can you stomach it as my son always say when he sees something gross " eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww "
    Yup you are right Sir Fin, it would be immoral to act on such in todays standards, but I guess on such a situation that propagation is of an essence, there is an overlaying need superceeding the supposed morality.

  8. #28
    ... with that kind of analogy u have.... then god is crazy. He has no foresight at all.

    .. god is like this ... ok, no morals yet .. go multiply, have s3x with your mother ... and then a few years later ... wait, it's not allowed to have s3x with your mother or sister or brother. I wont allow it anymore ...

    .. damn..

    @tirong, kindly don't do that kind of thing again, that sort of THIS IS MY FRIEND'S MESSAGE. Your friend obviously have some bad comments and personal attacks, continue to do so, and i'll ban you both. ok
    Last edited by fingolfin; 02-20-2010 at 07:59 PM.

  9. #29
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    I guess it is only after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. GOD has a plan for his creations that Satan did ruin. By succumbing towards the temptation of the devil Adam and Eve changed, they are not anymore in oneness of nature they learned that they are nude and needs to get dressed etc....,The perfection was lost, they are suppose to live in paradise and be happy in GOD's grace.

  10. #30
    how can we make a concrete proof out of all these theories and book stories??

    how's darwin's theory related to the creation??

    how certain are we that what we're believing into are real??

    should we stick to our false belief??

    i'm friggin' confused...

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