And most of the tech growth is happening in cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Robotics, etc. So it’s obvious that the highest paying IT jobs are those relating to these technologies in some way or the other. Information technology (IT) professionals are responsible for helping organizations maintain their digital infrastructure and providing troubleshooting assistance to technology consumers. IT professionals proficient in networks could find themselves in demand next year, because a majority of CIOs polled cite network administration among the most sought-after skills. If you are into IT field then I must say certifications matters a lot. It adds value to your resume and makes it stand out from other candidate’s. For all your IT Certification SPOTO is the best choice for 24/7 support. They guarantee candidate pass their certification in the first try. Practice test and dumps are prepared by experts and professional tutor.