theres a very lil chance , that there are very small micobes living in the caves of mars .
and or jupiters moon. living in frozen underwater sea.
but our solar system is one of the billions...
Type: Posts; User: cromagnon
theres a very lil chance , that there are very small micobes living in the caves of mars .
and or jupiters moon. living in frozen underwater sea.
but our solar system is one of the billions...
according to Mitchio Kaku ,,,
they see earth as a bunch of ants / or microbes // . . so nomatter how they would like ot help us . still we would not understand ...
UFO ., tabanog na ,
aliens , i belive they could exist . but not yet proven . unless i see one . not hoax news.
parallel universe could be posible . they could see us from the 4rt or 5th...