Made in the image of God!
, 10-21-2009 at 06:39 AM (3556 Views)
The God within you
I remember, if my memory serves me correctly, we can find in the bible a verse in plain delivery declaring that we were created in the image of God. Now, others for lack of proper investigation on the verse would quickly assume an interpretation that God looks like a human being since man were created in the image of God. I think that this position is coated with defective logic. God is spirit or should I say Ultimate Divine Reality is not made of flesh and bones, IT (God) can take on a human skin but its essence is spirit (non-flesh and bones).
So what is “made in the image of God” means?
This is my position, and I am anticipating opposition from the Christian camp, that the word “image” refers to that spirit inside of us and it resembles that which is Divine. In other words, we are the spark of the Divine Being whom we call God. We are not the skin and bones as the materialists would like us to think but we are made in the image of God in essence and beauty. It further means that we share the same qualities (unborn and eternal) of the Divine. This amazing realization would then take us to another verse found in the bible which says “know you not that ye are gods”? Now, I’m expecting a stronger opposition from the Christian camp. Imagine an ocean and a cup of liquid taken from that body of water. The ocean-water in the cup has the same quality and composition of the Ocean outside of the cup. In the same sense, our soul is taken from the Supersoul, therefore we share the same essence with the Divine. That’s who we are, a spark of the Divine trapped inside a human flesh.
Recapturing our original state
In the Garden of Eden, man after the fall, said to have been clothed by God with animal skin. Again, for lack of proper investigation, people would quickly take this to mean “an act of salvation and forgiveness” from God. From their perspective, the putting on of animal skin by God is suggesting an idea that there was a sacrifice of animals made for the forgiveness of their sins. Mystics particularly the cabbalists, the keeper of the ancient wisdom of the Hebrew race, suggest a different concept. The putting on of the animal skin was the moment where Adam was clothed with flesh.
The bible talks of being born again in the spirit. Well, it can be expounded differently. But if we are to interpret it under the light of esoteric knowledge, being born again in the spirit means that we are to awakened our spirit/soul nature, a spark of the Divine in us. The flesh created an illusion to the soul. It lulled the divine spark to dream land. This temporary “sleep state of the soul” is creating most of the problems facing mankind today, according to the Masters. To get rid of the problem we must eliminate its cause, the illusion.
How to destroy illusion?
I'll post it later.![]()