Personal Reflection on my new journey!
, 09-02-2009 at 09:08 AM (4164 Views)
In the pages of esoteric and mystic manuscript-karma,reincarnation,meditation,enlightenment and liberation are clearly pronounce.
The Authors of these mystic schools believed in the idea that this material existence is a huge dungeon on which the cycle of life and death or reincarnation serves as chain enslaving the Soul within the limitations of the physical plane and all the not-so-good interactions of daily existence.
The Soul or Us, it's real home is not here. Our constitutional position is of Divine in nature and scope. Limitless and blissful oneness are our being.
The Enlightened ones saw and experienced first hand " The Absolute Reality ". The manuscripts that was handed down are filled with knowledge of their direct experience with the Oneness of everything.
As a gesture of compassion they are offering the knowledge that would, if practice properly, liberate us from the cycle of reincarnation.
The Art of Meditation would lead us there. As we look inward, the inner man gradually is being awaken from it's slumber. Sooner The Man will realize the essence of his being and a shift of perspective is adopted. Changes will then take place. He now has more control of his own desire and thoughts and even his pain. He sees the world around him differently now.