Update: Straight Leg Press Up to Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana)
, 09-22-2017 at 04:06 PM (2405 Views)
My very first Straight Leg Press Up to Forearm Stand by Accident.
I think its been 4 months since i have been practising my forearm stand.
3 months to it, i decided i should try Pressing Up into a Handstand. I do not fancy kicking up into a Handstand as it's too much trial and error for me and decided Pressing Up into a Handtand is the best option.
So my goal this time was to learn how to Press Up to handstand three ways: Puppy Press Up, Straight Leg Press Up, and the Straddle Press Up.
I have always beena self-taught yoga enthusiast, and my resources re: pessing up involves me having to work on Active Pike Compression Exercises. I spend about an hour of these pike copression exercises e.g. lolasana, straddle lifts,L-sits,and Plank Pike Ups. Without any experience of a handstand and With daily practice, i have managed to do a Press Up via Straight Leg and Straddle Press with upto an L-Shape and Halfway. So i am currently working on my balance so i can manage to float to a straight Handstand.
Amazingly! , i have incorporated the Straddle Press and Straight Leg Press Up to my Forearm Stand Practice and Voila! i managed to get it. Pike Compression Exercises does lots in core strengthening and Pressing Up.
Straddle Press is Easier thand Straight Leg Press Up in my opinion.