Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful
, 09-06-2017 at 07:09 AM (4814 Views)
Everybody wants to be THAT GIRL. That girl who's pretty, sexy, sweet, charming and just what every guy would like. Because someone or a situation made her feel that way. To all the girls who feels this way, remember Bruno Mars said you're beautiful just the way you are, what John Legend said love your curves and all your edges and let's not forget what Lady Gaga said I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes."
You don't need to be THAT GIRL to impress someone, you just have TO BE YOURSELF and LOVE YOURSELF, eventually the right guy will come along. Someone that truly loves you will see beyond those characteristics, beyond the physical aspects that's only seen by his naked eyes. Someone who truly loves you will love those scars, those flaws, your insecurities, because someone who truly loves you, loves you being YOU.
I guarantee you, everything you have will fit perfectly into the person you're meant to be with. They will fit your mold. There is a person designed for you. A person who will put you first and make you feel like the woman you are.
They are out there. Whatever the reason, fate just has just not brought you two together yet. I assure you, whoever this man is will keep you. They will find you irreplaceable.
Be the kind of girl that compliments herself when she walks past a mirror instead of finding minuscule reasons to criticize. That has silenced that hateful voice inside of her and replaced it with a loving one. That knows her inner value, her intrinsic worth.Someone is out there that will find everything about you beautiful.
Be the kind of girl that defines herself as strong and independent, even though she feels broken and damaged. That knows she can push past any pain she feels, because there’s happiness waiting on the other side. That never gives up on life, or on herself.
Be the kind of girl that encourages her friends. That smiles. That doesn't let her jealousy get in the way of her happiness.
Be the kind of girl that is always there for other girls. That helps drunken women in the bathroom instead of condemning them for how short their dresses are. That offers tampons/napkins and hand sanitizer to strangers that she doesn't even know, because she realizes that they're all connected, that they need to stick together.
Be the kind of girl that doesn't need a boy. That appreciates it when someone special walks into her life, and gives him all she has to offer, but doesn't bleed herself dry in the process. That loves him, but still has enough love left over for herself.
Be the kind of girl that's comfortable with her body. That worships her body. That doesn't mind looking at herself in whatever she wears, because she knows that every inch, every crevice, of herself is filled with beauty.
Be the kind of girl with big dreams, that has a laser sharp focus on her passion. That gives it her all during the weekdays, but is able to relax on the weekends. That doesn't bring her worries, her stress, home with her from her workplace.
Be the kind of girl that laughs long and loud. That finds a way to make a joke out of everything, even her deepest fears. That doesn't care if everyone is staring her way, because she's having the time of her life.
Be the kind of girl that chooses actions over complaints. That doesn't waste her time dwelling on problems when she could be searching for solutions. That realizes her life is worth living, even when everything feels off.
Be the kind of girl that keeps in touch. That calls up her love ones to hear their voices. That drops by their best friend's house, just to say hello. That makes an effort to contact the people that matter the most to her.
Be the kind of girl that speaks her mind. That gives her honest opinion, even when it hurts. That doesn't let anyone walk over her, because she can be the sweetest woman in the world — or she could be the biggest bitch you've ever met — depending on how you treat her.
Be the kind of girl that gives out compliments. That offers smiles to strangers. That genuinely loves life.
Be the kind of girl that makes you proud.