Tips on how to avoid inviting burglars into your home
, 01-24-2017 at 05:32 AM (2046 Views)
Homeowners nowadays install the latest home security system on the market, and yes, it helps but just a little. In times like this we when all you see in the news are people being robbed and all their belongings stolen when they are on vacation, we have to add more security for our loved ones. However, we might not know it, but we are inviting these burglars to our homes. Here are 5 things you might be doing to invite them in.
Keep it hidden
We all know that working hard is one way of achieving one's goal and dreams. Sometimes, we get too showy to our neighbors and leave the TV and new expensive item's boxes in our garage. People will know, and burglars will surely notice.
Put some lights on outside
Criminals like to lurk in the dark especially if there is not a single light outside. Without one will allow them to invade your home undetected. Install one or two, and the thieves will think twice about getting in.
Spare key
Some of us have this habit of leaving the front door key in a secret place just of the door. Whether it is under the plant or mat or rock, however, thieves search these locations hoping to find a key. Just avoid doing this and give each family member their own keys.
Ask someone to check on your home from time to time
Whenever you and your family is on vacation, never let your guard down. Ask a family member or a neighbor to check on your home from time to time.
Never display your valuables
We tend to display our valuables just to show off. The kids leave expensive toys out on the yard or 70 inches TV near the window for everyone to see. Someone will be tempted and will eventually invade your home.
Simply follow the quick and simple tips above and you will surely have a secure home for you and family. You may also check some homes security in the area by visiting Cebu City homes for sale.