Disaster DO’S
, 12-05-2014 at 07:10 PM (1241 Views)
DISASTER DO'S1. Do have a plan. Most don’t. Make one and discuss it. Make sure it involves your family and then go and make a second one… that involves your work place! Most of us have one of three plans already, which one are you currently using?
- “The Other guy plan” It will not happen to me, it will happen to some other guy.
- “The Ostrich plan” I shall bury my head in the sand and ignore the threat.
- “The Harry Potter” plan. Rescue and Relief agencies will arrive with a magic wand
None of the three mentioned plans have ever saved a life so they do not work. Make a plan and do it today!
2. Do make a kit. Make it personal and make it yourself. We can show you how. Make it now and stop putting it off. It’s easy and it can save your life! A really bad day means you lose the ability to stay in your home or, you stay in your home without any basic services, gas, water, electricity. It’s too late to start building a kit when things have gotten to this point. MAKE A KIT!
3. Do plan for the WORST and hope for the best. Murphy, the mythical Irishman responcible for all things nasty, WILL throw you a curve-ball. It’s going smack you in the face OR you knock it out the park! Your choice! But if you do not plan for the worst the chances are an event will exceed your expectations and your level of readiness. Plan for the worst and hope for the best, do not just hope for the best! The worst does not involve Zombie invasions, Armageddon or “it’s raining nuclear weapons”. There is no need to become a doomsday prepper!!
4. Do clean ALL water that does not come from sealed bottles! Dirty water kills more people than falling buildings! BOIL BOIL BOIL! Have a cheap water filter and a metal vessel in which to boil water, small enough to carry in a kit, this one item could save your life. Yup, we hear you— “but I will never drink dirty water” We promise you, when you get thirsty… you will consider it. It’s called AQUA ROULETTE and its thousands of times more dangerous than Russian Roulette!
5. Do learn basic first aid and ask us to show you how to turn a first aid kit into a mini trauma kit. It’s easy, our granny’s do it. Ask us and we will show you how! You may be the first victim you HAVE to help! You do not need to read Grays Anatomy but you should know how to stop serious bleeding, cleanly dress a wound, splint a broken limb and how to treat exposure. Enough to stay alive till help arrives!
6. Do have a Red-Cross-Radio! Your phone and TV will probably not work! Radios will! The address of temporary relief stations, first aid stations and the status of the rescue operations along with pertinent and accurate weather info will be broadcast over the radio. Your cell phone may just become a paperweight!
7. Do be prepared for a few days delay before help arrives. Rescue and relief agencies will respond en masse! But, it will take time to get to you. The larger the event, the larger the response will be but it will STILL take time to get the teams and tools into your area. Know this and prepare for this!
8. Do avoid creating secondary events all by your lonesome… Candles cause fires, running into weakened structures for a kitten can cause you to trade places with the kitten! If you survive the initial event it is almost a crime to hurt yourself or others by creating more problems! We can show you how to live outside, make safe fires and a bunch of other skills we want you to learn to avoid becoming secondary casualties!
9. Do get others involved. No, that does not mean you need to get your neighbors digging underground bunkers and stockpiling food but it does point to the fact that alone -you are not as able to cope! Talk to the people around you and those that are concerned enough to DO something should form small groups. Get to know what is around you. Where are the strongest buildings? Does anyone close by have special needs? Be informed, let’s face it, if you were in a wheelchair wouldn’t you want a neighbor or a colleague to know about you and your reduced mobility? Know your people, know your surroundings and then as a group WORK TOGETHER!
10. Do call Basecamp-Expeditions for more information! We do not copy our stuff from the internet, we do not sell you over priced and useless kits! We KNOW what we are talking about because we have seen it ourselves. Call us. We will train your people! And if you are not happy with the results, you don’t pay us! Period!
Courtesy of: Basecamp Expeditions