When You Love A Woman
, 05-26-2014 at 10:56 PM (2442 Views)
I would often hear people say that "Behind every man's success (or failure) is a woman." All over history, we can always glean on personages who are either influenced or disturbed by a woman, causing them to succeed triumphantly or to fail tragically.
It is inarguable therefore that despite women's quirkiness, men are in fact bound to get attracted to them. In the writing parlance, this is often referred to as the "femme fatale" or (as wikipedia puts it) women's seductive or ensnaring quality that often lead men to compromising and dangerous situations.
I've always been ranted about how unpredictable women are. That it is far from possible to even understand what goes inside their fancy brains. That no matter how much you try to understand them, your mind would be like that of a landscape filled with words and phrases and in search of an idea.
Take for instance, when you shop with them. You wonder why it takes them too long to even figure out which one to buy when the designs are just the same. When they do get to choose one, if they really like it, they would at first choose three. Then they let you pick one. The thing is, they never really liked what you picked. They just wanted to know what your choice is. This after they have embarrassed you for tagging along boutiques and shops only for women.
They can be as melodramatic as the trending teleserye. When their hormones are gone berserk, they could actually be upset for the most trivial of things. They ended up not knowing why they did in the end.
And oh boy, when they get mad, they could be as fierce as Godzilla. You better be hoping they are not holding any of your precious gadgets as they are bound to throw them at you.
Their memories are the most amazing ones ever studied about the human civilization. Their memories never fail them. They remember the most minute of things: from your mother's birthday to the days your dogs need their shots. They even remember all the mistakes you ever made and when you did them. Like an old record, they always remind you about your mistakes, as if you are the most corruptible and irreparable mortal that has ever existed.
But when you do fall in love with a woman. This is another story.
You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect, you aren't either. And the two of you may never be perfect together.
But if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold on to her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break--her heart.
So don't hurt her. Don't change her. Don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy. Let her know when she makes you mad.
And miss her when she's not there.