A Wake-up Call? (What's wrong with the world Mama?)
, 04-26-2014 at 09:34 PM (3990 Views)
When a Dog shows more concern for a person than a fellow human, something is very wrong with our world - (Actually it has been very wrong for as far as I can remember...)
A good istoryan showed me this link earlier today. Unfortunately couldn't view it at work as access is limited. Finally had the time to check on it today as it is one of those very good videos that have become viral.
Thought this might be a good piece to do for my 2nd blog here as I did promise myself to promote anything that will help get a clearer, truer, and better perspective of animals in general. This is to benefit the animals (and probably us humans).
Please watch the video if you haven't yet and hope this teaches us something =).
I got no links for youtube so, I hope you guys don't mind clicking on the actual link itself.