To My Istoryan Friend xxxxxx
, 04-01-2014 at 10:51 PM (3817 Views)
I read your email earlier this evening and saw your concern for your dog.
First, I appreciate the importance you showed with your pet. Very rare nowadays!
Second, My heart goes out to you for the sad news about your pet.
The doctor may have suggested euthanasia as an option but I would need to ask you some more questions as well.
I am no vet but I have also been into situations where putting a dog to sleep was also an option.
I vowed before never to allow that but there was a situation where suffering is just too much for an animal to bear. One personal rescue had distemper to the point where she can no longer move and ended up paralyzed that the suffering shows in her eyes. That was the toughest (by far) choice we have to make deciding to put him to sleep. I still think and remember that moment and cry every time my memory is refreshed.
On the other hand, i have one other personal rescue who has been paralyzed half way down due to his spine being hit by a bb gun that it got embedded in his spinal column , thus disabling him halfway down his body. The doctor gave the option for reasons that he can no longer walk. The decision was up to us and we made the decision to not put him to sleep.
He has been with us for almost 3 years now, still paralyzed and with a wheelchair and he enjoys life despite his limitations and we are very happy to have him as part of my family.
So there my friend, What I am trying to say is that : It all depends on the situation. How grave and how is He suffering exactly? If he has a hard time standing up, is he moaning of pain? What are the details?
I can say more, but at this point, this would suffice. With the information you gave, I am not able to form a suggestion yet.
Do let me know through pm. I will pray for your dog.
Meanwhile!, I would spend as much time as I can with him and enjoy the gift of life that is your dog! =)
Thanks again =)