This Gloomy Weather and My Senseless Thoughts
, 06-13-2013 at 10:58 PM (4122 Views)
amazing what a gloomy weather can do to your thoughts...
my thoughts are exactly way out of line...
these thoughts are suppose to be non-existent...well, technically it shouldn't exist in the first place...or else it will be a never ending battle between my logical and illogical self.
life, in its simplest form is obviously simple...
we, who claim to be living the life, are the ones who complicate it...
well, probably because simple is often associated with boring...
complications make life a tad bit more exciting (i think)...
feelings and emotions often play a big role in these complications...
sometimes, emotions that bring about complications should be ignored...
some sprouting feelings should be stomped and killed before it takes hold...or else it will be too late...
complications often bring tears to our times or most of the time it leaves scars on our hearts...
yet, no matter how painful, depressing, obsessive it can get, we cannot completely avoid complications...
most of the time...we find ourselves drawn to it...
our logical self tells us to stay away...yet our illogical self is telling us to go on...
and usually, we listen to our illogical self...because the "what if" question is just too much to be left unanswered...
i'm probably not making any sense now...for my thoughts are going in various directions...
keeping them aligned is a hopeless feat...i just leave them as they are...
for even though how many times i convince myself that I am the master of my fate my reciting Invictus over and over again...
one thing is for sure...
there are just some things you and I could not...control...