So Long Sweet Love
, 05-29-2013 at 09:05 AM (3144 Views)
So long sweet love
Though your lips tasted like wine
I see no point in keeping you here in my heart
It breaks my heart to push you away
But you have tested my resolve beyond its breaking point
So long sweet love
You were the childhood fantasy I've always held in my heart
Your were the knight in shining armor that I've always longed for
And though I made a promise to love you, I just can't
I can't love you because my hands are tired, eventhough my heart is not
So long sweet love
How I wish it is me and you, not me and him
I've fought bravely but you still managed to steal my heart
Now, before I lose control I bid you good bye
It is time for you to move on and leave me be
So long sweet love
It shook me to the core to watch you walk away
The world crumbled upon me when you kissed me good bye
I know I will never be the same after this
As you walk away I pray that you don't look back
So long sweet love
This is our last good bye
Though everything feels right with you I just cannot give you my heart
I stand here hugging myself watching you fade into the distance
I will never be the same, not after you took my heart with you
So long sweet love
Try as I may, I know i will never forget you
Now that you are gone I am left with nothing but memories
My sweet love, I will never love him the way I loved you
Good sweet love
This is for the people...
who has loved the right person at the wrong time