, 08-19-2011 at 10:57 AM (7380 Views)
i booked tickets already and had all my schedule drafted in my Starbucks 2011 planner a week before my birthday which is tomorrow, August 20,2011. I had it all made out and I'm a bit excited about it actually. I've been itching to tell my plans to the world but i am scared that fate would hear it and might intervene and ultimately ruin what i had sorted out so it was best for me to shut up. well, here is the list of my plan for my 5-day birthday holiday.
~ i booked a flight in PAL for Russia at 7am tomorrow. Of course, since it's Europe, i'll be damned if I can't use my Louis Vuitton luggage. ^^
~ i'm trying to save as much as possible so i'll be lodging in a hostel and i shall be expecting some russian kid who will flirt with me and will lure me in a traditional russian party and will make me drink wine with a rape-date pill and i will eventually wake up as a victim of a murder just like HOSTEL (nyaha!)
~ the next day, i'd go to vatican and pray in a mass which the POPE would preside. It is NECESSARY for me to attend a mass and have the pope to lead it! and then i'd happily pray and thank God for making me reach this age. ^^
~ after a quick lunch, i'd go to paris and visit the louvre in the evening and at the late hour, i'd be somewhere in the rooftop of a building having the time of my life in a rooftop party.
~ it would be tiresome so i may need to book a flight back to Asia. my birthday treat won't be complete without a visit to Japan where i could flaunt my wigs and costumes in Shibuya and Akibahara! Street cosplay at its finest! yosh!
~ i'd spend my whole evening in the streets of Japan but i must get a tongue-in-cheek for a visit at Cat Cafe and pet some cats.^^
~ Korea!!! the next day. I'd call Justine-hyungnim to fetch me in the airport and bring me to a hotel where Jang Geun Suk is nearby. yooosssh! i'd sneak in and do some cute espionage to see JGS..even if he's watching porn!!!lol!
~ I would hate to say goodbye to my trip but time runs fast. I'd have to go back to Manila.
And back to reality, wherein, I would just probably sulk in my room, sit by the window sill, watch the cars pass by infront of our building apartment, and be miserable with my quarterlife crisis.
Speaking of quarterlife crisis, I shall talk about it here tomorrow. THAT IS, if i haven't slit my wrists out of misery.