Conversation Between isprikitiki and bernadethe03

5 Visitor Messages

  1. lewl. boto
  2. daghana fans adet ahhh.. hahahaha
  3. aty, abi kog kinsa ning tiki-a, si carlalot ra d.i HAHAHA
  4. hi gwapa. lami lge ka. ahaha.. date tah naaah... hahahahahaha
  5. aty ka HAHA naa d.i ky HAHA ka istoryans d.i TAH HAHAHA hoi, kanang y discount oi. cheap nakaayo na ang 120. HAHA ky ang uban ron tag 180,naa gani ko tag 195. HAHA nindot pajud color sakong rabbit. LOLS ingna imo cousin.120 ra na oi HAHA barato na kaayo na
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
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