Did you know that a little stretching when you wake up in the morning or a 15 minute hike can do wonders to get your day off on the right note? Have you ever dreamt of having that slim physique that would be turn heads and break hearts when you sashay at the beach front? Well, don’t just sit there. Be proactive! Make things happen by not merely planning to do it but by actually putting your body in motion. Turn words into actions and start living the life you’ve always wanted .
If you’re wondering where all these physical rah-rah is coming from, there’s a reason. The month of May celebrates National Physical Fitness and Sports month. This will be the perfect time to reconsider your options and engage yourself in various blood-pumping, hormone-enducing, muscle-defining physical activities. There are lots of benefits derived from engaging in these:
Aside from having a healthier looking skin and a slim and lean physique, the blood circulation of your body will improve and thus reduce the risk of high blood pressure or even cancer.
Research shows that when a child is physically active, they have better chances of avoiding sickness, thereby boosting their attendance in school. This in turn, can lead to higher grades and behavioural improvements.
Having a regular physical activity can improve your mood. Indeed, when you’re angry or frustrated, you can release those negative vibes and use that energy to sustain the sport you are engaged in. Like for example in badminton, you may want to release your frustrations by executing a powerful smash or a keen drop.
Having regular exercise boosts one’s energy. Your muscle strength will improve and your cardiovascular system will work effectively as the oxygen and nutrients, through exercise, are being transmitted to the tissues in different parts of the body.
Lastly, you will feel so much better and your ability to focus will improve, giving you clarity in your outlook of life.
Those being said, it is so much better to be healthy and busy rather than sickly and idle. While a little R and R is needed from time to time, it is wholly unwise to live life as a couch potato, not to mention unproductive. You may want to go outside and engage yourself in sports like badminton or basketball. It is like a domino effect, one will always affect the other. And so be fit and fab this month of May and enjoy all the goodness and well-being that physical exercise can bring to us. Let today be a start of your month to committing to a healthy and active lifestyle. In this way, you are encouraging people through your participation that they do the same.
Elizabeth Santiago
Contributor - Lifestyle