PCTO warns Konektadong Pinoy bill undermines constitutional provisions, stifles fair competition, and threatens national security
Today, the Philippine Chamber of Telecommunications Operators (PCTO) expressed concern over specific provisions of the Konektadong Pinoy bill. This priority... read more
It is going to be a pink October at
the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino!
the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino!
In partnership with Citigym and Cebu Pink Paddlers Inc., the very first Breast Cancer Survivors Dragon Boat Team in the country, think pink with us as we raise awareness and stay proactive on breast cancer and how it can affect our loved ones and us. To make it more exciting, we have scheduled fun fitness activities within the month.
Through our activities, we want to bring life to our advocacy of hope that there is life after diagnosis. From October 8 to 15, see the works of local artists supporting the advocacy at the hotel mezzanine, showcasing the courage and strength of survivors who battled breast cancer.
On October 8, there will be a paddling exercise where the Cebu Pink Paddlers Dragon Boat Team Coach will handle two 1-hour training sessions where participants get to train with the members and learn the basics of paddling. Then, Aqua Zumba is on October 22 at Pool Aquarius, where Citigym ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network) instructor will lead participants to an hour-long, low-impact, high-energy aquatic exercise session.
Lastly, the lagoon area will hold an Around The World-themed Dance Marathon outdoors by the lagoon area on October 29. ZIN instructors will lead participants on an exhilarating overall fitness journey to encourage a movement lifestyle while raising funds to support the advocacy and cause of Cebu Pink Paddlers Inc. We encourage everyone to join and support us in our activities by clicking this link to register: https://bit.ly/Pinktober-Reg-Form.
A seminar will also be held for our peers to spread awareness about cancer and how we can support anyone diagnosed.
Join us as we look forward to celebrating Pinktober at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino.
For more details about these activities, contact Citigym at 09985948568 or (032)232-6888 local 8941.