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Emancipations of M_H

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  1. A Letter for my Alter-Ego, my confidant, my friend

    Dear Self,

    I am deeply sorry for everything, especially those times where I caused you pain. For being so hard on you, for treating you like a total stranger in my existence. You see, I need help myself. I grew up with no one to comfort me in my fears, my hatred and my miseries. I don’t have anyone to share my happiness and my aspirations in life. Even though you have always been there, but, I have grown miserable, hateful and vengeful that I even forgot to thank you for never leaving ...
  2. Evolutionary Philosophy

    Leonardo was an artist, not a scholar, and so his imagination was not confined by the boundaries of contemporary scholarly thinking. Fortunately for us, we are able to gain an insight into his ideas as they were preserved as entries in his notebooks. On the subject of ‘True Science’, Leonardo wrote ...

    Consider how much trust society places in ancient writings about the human soul, although such a thing cannot be proven to exist, and yet consider how little we understand about ...
  3. wishful thinking on philippine politics

    barack obama!!! He may not be our country's president, but yes, i am very moved by his speech. I can't help it, i shed a couple of tears.. this reminds me of martin luther king and the likes.., oh how these people influence me on how i see the world now. ufortunately,their life was cut short because of their dreams.but still, if they are alive, they would wish they were dead so that things would turn out right. now that's what you call patriotic! that would be a big slap for our trapo's(traditional ...
    monkey business
  4. Obama's Victory Speech- Very Inspiring

    CHICAGO - Herewith is the excerpt of president-elect Barack
    Obama's victory speech Tuesday before a crowd of some 125,000 cheering
    and teraful supporters:
    "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a
    place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of
    our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our
    democracy, tonight is your answer.
    "It's the answer told by lines that stretched around ...
    monkey business
  5. Wordplay

    I consider Jason Mraz as one of those very talented song writers, and i would gladly kill anyone who would oppose me in this. Hehehehe. Joke!

    But honestly, i have great respect and adoration in his music. his songs are euphoric, i could almost feel the exact feeling of having sniffed ganja or any stimulant drug. god forbid, i have not!

    you might suppose that i'm writing this blog because i'm just one of those who were swept off by his 'i'm yours' song.. nope nope nope... ...

    Updated 11-07-2008 at 02:35 PM by mata_hari

    Sound of Music
  6. Freudian Slips

    A lot of people are totally disgusted by my intense obsession with Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis. When I start to justify their behavior in the psychoanalyst perspective, I’ve often get that unwanted eyebrow-raised, teeth grinding expression from my 'friends'. I wonder why they are such ingrates; I’m doing it free of charge! They should be grateful, if I have made a living out of it, hmmm, perhaps I already have enough funds to buy that much coveted lotto outlet that I have so wanted for myself. ...

    Updated 11-07-2008 at 02:06 PM by mata_hari

  7. Me and Palm Reading

    these past few days , the theories i got from my newly found hobby- palm reading has almost convinced me that I should have my own fortune teller booth complete with crystal ball and tarot cards. ever since, i did not know that the three distinct line in our palms signify anything nor could it foretell the mechanics of our heart, mind and heart. moreover, there are other lines too that signify fate, career, marriage, fortune, wealth....

    my interest with them came about just a couple ...
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