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  1. Love is Something You Never Plan

    You can't plan love like you can plan the next food you eat, or your next vacation spot.

    You can't plan when you fall in love, or when you get heartbroken.
    Love is not something that you can see coming. It could be right in front of you, or you could be looking in the wrong direction. Maybe you think you already have found it, but five, six, seven, eight or maybe ten years from now you'll realize it wasn't true.

    You can't decide to fall in love.
    You can't ...

    Updated 08-19-2016 at 02:16 PM by gracie7

    Gracie's thoughts
  2. How can you unlove someone?

    You might not be able to choose who you love, but you can choose your thoughts and your behavior about it.

    Accept the way you feel. If you fight or suppress your feelings, you'll feel conflicted. So if you love someone, then let it be so. Love freely, and want what is best for him or her, whether or not you are part of that.

    It is not your love that is the problem - it is your expectation of what you will receive in return. It's your longing that is hurting you, not ...
  3. For I thought I had already given up on "love"...

    "They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix; the kind that cuts you loose like a wildfire and you can’t stop running simply because you keep on burning everything that you touch! I say that’s a good love; one that burns and flies, and you run with it!"
    You don't choose ...

    Updated 08-08-2016 at 03:17 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  4. To the Man I Love

    Finally I have met you. We may be thousands of miles away right now. But it doesn't matter because today, I am one day closer.

    You should also understand that I have flaws that took me years to love. I don't know if you'll learn to love them, but I hope you do. My hair doesn't stay in place most of the time, it always messily falls on my face. I don't have the prettiest hand to hold, or the brightest eyes to look at. I am also not attractive when I am fast asleep. But who knows? Maybe ...

    Updated 08-06-2016 at 10:34 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  5. Fall in Love With Someone Who...

    Fall in love with someone who you think “I’m so in love with you, it’s stupid” on the regular… And they make your heart skip a beat when you see them smile after a long day. The moment their lips meet yours, the butterflies begin dancing in your stomach, and no matter how long you’ve been together, you genuinely miss them when you’re apart. It’s these little moments that you look forward to any time that you’re away.

    Fall in love with someone who makes it easy to fall (and stay) in ...

    Updated 07-27-2016 at 01:21 AM by gracie7

    Love , Gracie's thoughts
  6. To All the Girls Who Love Too Hard

    You're not alone. I know you feel unappreciated. Unloved. Broken at times. Sometimes empty.

    You're the girl that asks someone if they are okay even if you were the one that spent that night crying yourself to sleep.

    You feel empty some days but never stop loving. Never stop giving love. Never stop trying. Some people say this is your weakness.

    Giving too much. Loving too hard. But it's not, you know how it feels to be broken, to be on the brink of ...
  7. 11:11 - Make a wish!

    11:11 make a wish! I’m sure you remember this saying, and maybe you still say it today. It is the only time of the day (using the 12 hour clock) that all the numbers on the clock are the same. Where does this saying come from? Should you even bother to make a wish? What makes this time so important and what is the significance of 11:11?

    Why are so many of us seeing this right now. Is it a biological thing where our bodies get in the habit of looking at a clock during this time? If ...

    Updated 07-27-2016 at 01:23 AM by gracie7

    Gracie's thoughts , General Knowledge , Love , Events
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