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  1. Philippine nursing is dying!

    By Carl E. Balita, EdD, DrHum, RN, RM, RPT, MAN

    While the global demand for Filipino nurses is high and that the Filipino nurses are regarded as the best in the world, the nursing profession in the Philippines is dying. And the nurses are in critical situation.

    There is no doubt that the world needs nurses, and there is a global preference for the Filipino nurses. It is an undeniable fact that the majority of foreign nurses in developed ...
  2. 'Nightmare Bacteria' Superbug Found for First Time in U.S

    A drug-resistant "superbug" that doctors have been dreading has shown up in the U.S. for the first time, researchers reported Thursday.

    The bacteria has genetic changes that make it resistant to a last-ditch antibiotic called colistin and while it had been seen in Europe and China, no one in the U.S. had been seen with it before.

    It doesn't spell doom just yet.

    The mutant E. coli germ was found in a Pennsylvania woman with symptoms of a urinary ...
  3. Cebuana lass conferred international award for malunggay anti-tumor study

    • Young Cebuana scientist received award for her anti-tumor research that uses malunggay seeds
    • Arian Rollan says her exposure with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy inspired her to seek other alternative
    • She hopes that the Philippines would support her and other young researchers and scientists

    Young Cebuana scientist received award for her anti-tumor research that uses malunggay seeds
    Arian Rollan says her exposure with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy inspired ...
  4. First Genitourinary Vascularized Composite Allograft (Penile) Transplant in the United States

    A team of surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), led by Curtis L. Cetrulo, Jr., MD, and Dicken S.C. Ko, MD, announced today that they have performed the nation’s first genitourinary reconstructive (penile) transplant. The 15-hour operation, which took place earlier this month, involved surgically grafting the complex microscopic vascular and neural structures of a donor organ onto the comparable structures of the recipient.

    The patient, Thomas Manning, 64, of Halifax, ...
  5. Biotech Company Granted Ethical Permission To Attempt To Use Stem Cells To Reactivate The Brains Of The Dead

    A biotech company in the U.S. has been granted ethical permission by an Institutional Review Board in the U.S. and India to use 20 brain-dead patients for what is sure to be a highly controversial study: From next year, they plan to stimulate their nervous systems in order to restart the brains. Bioquark is hoping that its part in the groundbreaking ReAnima project will reveal if people can at least partly be brought back from the dead.

    It is important to note that at this point, ...
  6. WHO recommends new test, treatment plan for superbug strains of TB

    The World Health Organization on Thursday recommended a speedier, cheaper treatment plan for patients with superbug forms of tuberculosis (TB) - a change that should help cure thousands of the killer disease.

    In what the WHO's leading TB expert said was a critical step forward in tackling the "public health crisis" of multi drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), the Geneva-based health agency said the new treatment plan could now be completed in 9-12 months rather than the ...
  7. New Target Found for Potential HIV Vaccine

    Researchers isolated an antibody from a person infected with HIV that can block the virus from infecting other cells.

    Shortly after HIV was identified in 1984 as the cause of AIDS, scientists started working on a vaccine to protect people against the infection.

    But HIV is a complex and changeable virus, making a safe and effective vaccine elusive.

    Still, the attempt continues.

    The latest discovery on this front comes from a team led by ...
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