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Beauty & Skin Care

  1. Top 10 Skin Myths Debunked

    Are you approaching your regimen all wrong? Dermatologists expose common blunders that could be sabotaging your complexion.

    MYTH 1: A complete skincare routine must have three steps.

    TRUTH:Cleanse, tone, then moisturize has been drilled into our heads, but feel free to skip the second step, says Cambridge, Massachusetts, dermatologist Dr. Ranella Hirsch: "People think that toning an oily complexion will make it better, but oil is protective and the body produces ...

    Updated 07-11-2011 at 01:02 PM by gracie7

    Beauty & Skin Care
  2. The perfect skin diet

    Eat your way to a better complexion with these 10 skin superfoods

    Almonds: Hey, guess what? Almonds are seeds, not nuts, and they're stuffed with vitamin E, a potent sun blocker. Volunteers who consumed 14 milligrams of the vitamin per day (about 20 almonds) and then were exposed to UV light sunburned less than those who took none. "Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that helps to protect skin cells from UV light and other environmental factors that generate cell-damaging free ...
    Beauty & Skin Care
  3. Beauty From the Inside Out

    While a fresh blowout and a hint of blush can help you look your best, some of the most potent beauty weapons are found in the supermarket. Your food picks have an enormous effect on your appearance, says nutritionist Keri Glassman, R.D., author of The O2 Diet: The Cutting Edge Antioxidant-Based Program That Will Make You Healthy, Thin, and Beautiful. And you'll see results fast. "In just 28 days—the lifecycle of your skin—a nutritious diet can impart a glow that no cream can accomplish alone," ...
    Beauty & Skin Care
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