Originally Posted by
Swearing, cursing and posting harsh comments could get you an infraction but there are other violations that you may not be aware of.
little things may look innocent but they can cost you 1 infraction point. You may have thought that you have read and understood the rules, yet there are some things that you may have missed out.
I'll be posting this on other sections as well.
- Max of 3 smiley's with post. Use smileys as scarcely as you possibly can. Posts which contains nothing but smileys are discouraged and will be deleted on sight. Each smiley serves a particularly specific purpose, but also can be a tad annoying if used in excess.
- Senseless and irrelevant posts are discouraged. If you don't have anything to say, don't post anything at all. This refers to "No Comment" or "Wala lang pahipi lang ko" type of posts. only 3 successive OT's are allowed.
- Do not sell/advertise outside Buy / Sell / Trade / Classifieds. Some of you may have thought that the entire Commerce forum is Buy & Sell. No, it's not. Business & Economics is not part of BSTC either, therefore, no selling or advertising should be done there or in any other section of this website aside from BSTC. One of the most common practices is making Career Center a business center. You can't advertise your trainings, seminars or services in Career Center especially if it comes with a price. If you plan to bump your training/seminar topic later, then you better post it under BSTC.
- Needless bumping / Bumping out of Buy & Sell - Bumping of topics without any valid or justifiable reason is strictly prohibited. You are only allowed to bump your own threads when in the Buy / Sell / Trade / Classifieds forum. There are so many threads outside BSTC that are being bumped every now and then. Always keep in mind that you are not allowed to "Up ta ani!, Up for today!" your thread if it is not inside Buy & Sell. In other words, only those threads that sell or advertise may be bumped. For threads inside BSTC, a maximum of 1 bump every 12 hours is allowed. By the way, bump is short for "bring up my post".
- Thread Hi-Jacking / Advertising in another's thread - Newbies, please wait until you become a Junior member. Do not hitch a ride in another thread to sell or advertise your stuff. Others may even use ninja tactics to inject their ads into innocent looking replies.
- Thread crapping will not be tolerated. If you are not interested in buying or selling, or you have nothing to say, stay out of the thread. If you think the asking price is too high, or you want to make a lowball offer, contact the seller through his/her contacts.
Related topics:
You may start editing your posts now and remove those excess smileys...
Thanks sa information and reminders.