View Poll Results: Covid-19 vs Duterte - Prepared or Not?

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  • Yes. Prepared

    6 31.58%
  • No. Not prepared

    13 68.42%
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Results 101 to 110 of 164
  1. #101

    Default More update:

    By doing simple math, the death rate is 0.01%. Now that's what I call a hoax.

    Note: All of the above are American figures only.
    Last edited by brownie; 05-06-2020 at 03:43 PM.

  2. #102

    Default hahaha kita kaha sa?

  3. #103

    Default Everything about this pandemic is fake.

    The German Health Secretary Jens Spahn: "Wir müssen in ein paar Monaten evt. um Verzeihung bitten, da wir uns bzgl. des Virus geirrt haben!"
    In english, "We may have to ask for forgiveness in a few months because we were wrong about the virus!"

    And judging by the comments, the Germans are furious with their situation. Imagine if they are living here amid all this. lmao

  4. #104
    Cebu just broke the 1,000 Covid-19 cases (whether you trust those numbers or not). According to "experts", 80% will have mild to no symptoms. So that means 800 will have mild/no symptoms and 200 will need hospitalization. Here's a question: which hospital(s) in Cebu is currently overwhelmed (because the media hasn't covered the hospital situation)?

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by hitch22 View Post
    Cebu just broke the 1,000 Covid-19 cases (whether you trust those numbers or not). According to "experts", 80% will have mild to no symptoms. So that means 800 will have mild/no symptoms and 200 will need hospitalization. Here's a question: which hospital(s) in Cebu is currently overwhelmed (because the media hasn't covered the hospital situation)?
    iStorya went 502 so I just logged in today. Wanna know real stories about our local cases/hospitalization?

  6. #106

    Default PLANdemic

    Bye Bye fatties all over the world.

    Post‐mortem examination of COVID19 patients reveals diffuse alveolar damage with severe capillary congestion and variegated findings of lungs and other organs suggesting vascular dysfunction
    T. Menter J.D. Haslbauer R. Nienhold S. Savic H. Hopfer N. Deigendesch S. Frank D. Turek N. Willi H. Pargger S. Bassetti J.D. Leuppi G. Cathomas M. Tolnay K.D. Mertz A. Tzankov
    First published:04 May 2020
    This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi:10.1111/his.14134

    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) caused by SARS‐CoV‐2 has rapidly evolved into a sweeping pandemic. While its major manifestation is in the respiratory tract, the general extent of organ involvement as well as microscopic changes in the lungs remain insufficiently characterised. Autopsies are essential to elucidate COVID‐19‐associated organ alterations.

    This study reports autopsy findings of 21 COVID‐19 patients hospitalised at the University Hospital Basel and at the Cantonal Hospital Baselland, Switzerland. An in‐corpore technique was performed to ensure optimal staff safety.
    The primary cause of death was respiratory failure with exudative diffuse alveolar damage with massive capillary congestion often accompanied by microthrombi despite anticoagulation. Ten cases showed superimposed bronchopneumonia. Further findings included pulmonary embolisms (n=4), alveolar haemorrhage (n=3) and vasculitis (n=1). Pathologies in other organ systems were predominantly attributable to shock; three patients showed signs of generalised thrombotic microangiopathy. Six patients were diagnosed with senile cardiac amyloidosis upon autopsy. Most patients suffered from one or more comorbidities (hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus). Additionally, there was an overall predominance of males and individuals with blood group A (81% and 65%, respectively). All relevant histological slides are linked as open‐source scans in supplementary files.


    This study provides an overview of post‐mortem findings in COVID‐19 cases, implying that hypertensive, elderly, obese, male individuals with severe cardiovascular comorbidities as well as those with blood group A may have a lower threshold of tolerance for COVID‐19. This provides a pathophysiological explanation for higher mortality rates amongst these patients.

    Last edited by brownie; 05-07-2020 at 02:23 PM.

  7. #107
    C.I.A. firestarter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brownie View Post
    Same incompetence. Same outcome. Whether or not the lockdowns are enforced by the military, the police or tv networks.

    Duterte is currently showing the masses how to effectively abuse power.
    The LP standard bearer would've shown us how to accurately manipulate the media to inject fear into the normies' underdeveloped brains.

    So the narrative won't matter because pinoys, by and large, are a two digit IQ specimen at best — monkey see, monkey do.
    By pinoys apil naka ana sa?

    Abuse of power because iyang gi ECQ? Halos tanan man country nag quarantine boss.

    Manipulation of media? Halos tanan man tingale naa gyud nay media group para ma influence ang mga tawo - freedom of speech and the media.

    Do you think it is only the Philippines that's doing media campaigns?

    Consider pud panagsa basin nasubrahan mos politika dihas US. Hapit na baya ang US election.

  8. #108
    The fatality rate, if we just go by the data worldwide, would be a scary 7%. But how do we explain the difference between Singapore .09% fatality rate and Spain's 16%? One reason would be lack of testing, which would under-report the actual number of cases (hence smaller denominator). Other reason is over-counting the Covid-19 deaths due to political agendas and health agencies scrambling for funding (hence bigger numerator). That's why some statisticians project the actual fatality rates to be 1-3%.

    Now, after more than a month of these lockdown/ECQ exercises, there should be some moment of stepping back and looking at the big picture and reflect on mistakes, so we can make mid-course corrections; otherwise, we're headed a one-way track to a cliff and a steep drop to the great abyss.

    What should have been the objective? First, be sensible and think deeply. The objective, in my opinion, should be to minimize contagion while protecting the economy and many aspects of our way of life. Not these authoritarian "new normal" which everyone is mindlessly parroting. Did locking yourself up in your home work? Obviously not. If that's the case, then our city jails (which are perfect lockdowns with prison guards 24/7) would've been spared. However, because humans get hungry (in case anyone forgets), somebody had to deliver food during the day. And one day that person could be positive of Covid or Covid particles could make its way from the outside, through the delivery guy, to you (e.g. Covid particles could've landed on the package, etc). How many times have we heard Covid-positives say "I don't know how I got it. I've basically stayed home throughout the ECQ and in fact been careful handling deliveries from outside."

    We got it right conceptually, however, with universal masking (everyone wears a mask), social distancing (at least 2 meters apart), and rigorous hand-washing. That would minimize chances of getting Covid. But...but...we forgot that Covid particles could still land on our clothes, our hair, our eyes, shoes, etc. Does that mean we should all dress up like astronauts? With the heat wave we're having, we might as well die from heat stroke, as has already happened with one guy lining up for relief goods/money.

    Government trying to take care of...not even everyone, just the poor...has been chaotic and extremely dangerous in terms of what would happen if we prolong this lockdowns/ECQs. From a government standpoint: lockdowns cost money, money is limited, therefore lockdowns are not sustainable. From ordinary folks' standpoint: lockdowns cause businesses to shut down, people to lose jobs; jobs equals money, no money no food, therefore chaos (riots and blood on the streets).

    We can't copy Taiwan, Korea or Hong Kong. Those are countries/cities that have the right infrastructures (digital infrastructure, an efficient government, and a high IQ population) and they all acted fast with their testing, tracing and quarantines, all of which we don't have and didn't do well. We tested people very late and even till today we haven't scaled up high enough...and people also have a right to be suspicious of the test results.

    What should we do now? There's one part here where I'm going out on a limb and sound crazy because this one's got lots of enemies. It's just my opinion, to be taken with a grain of salt. First, don't limit our economy to essentials. That would be akin to taking our economy back to the 19th century and 19th century economy cannot sustain a 21st century population. Instead, identify establishments/events where likely close-proximity gathering can take place and either suspend them or enforce strict distancing and masking and allow people to take risk and practice sensible precaution. I am for suspending operations of movie theaters, gyms, concerts (big gatherings), but not barbershops, medical clinics, open-air coffee shops (if we have those), etc. as long as distancing and masking are observed. Encourage online businesses (not just food). Allow service operations (car maintenance, computer shops, appliance repairs, etc) to operate. I can only imagine the pain of a household when their aircon or refrigerator stops functioning while on a lockdown.

    Private cars running on the road do not contaminate other private cars while on the road, so no need to monitor them. The only thing needing monitoring here are public transportations (i.e. jeep, buses, taxis), again for masks and distance. I know there's still chance of getting Covid in public transportations, even with masks and distancing. We're not talking about zero (which is impossible) but allowing people to take sensible risks with maximum caution.

    Even with everything I have just said, I still wouldn't go with my own suggestions...unless a relatively effective treatment regimen is available. Here's where I go out on a limb. Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc (and perhaps combine these with Azithromycin for severe cases), I believe (from what I've found) is 95% effective in treating Covid patients IF TREATED EARLY. If you give HCQ+Zinc+Az to someone whose already on a respirator and severe lung damage, that's already too late. It's like giving chemo to stage-4 cancer patients; when that doesn't work, can you say chemo should be abandoned as a treatment? HCQ is cheap, has no patents and is an underdog against very powerful forces: 1) Big pharma heavily invested in vaccines or rival antivirals or rival therapies; 2) Highly politicized media; 3) Countries which are fearful that HCQ supplies would be threatened if HCQ becomes official treatment regimen.

    HCQ must be combined with Zinc. Zinc is proven to inhibit viral RNA replication inside cells. As Zinc is a positive ion, it can't enter cells and prevent the virus from replicating. Here's where HCQ comes to the rescue. HCQ is a known Zinc ionophore. What this means is that HCQ provides the channel for Zinc to enter the cell and do its job. HCQ also has the added benefit of preventing the dreaded "cytokine storm" from Covid-19. Azithromycin, they say, is not only there to prevent secondary bacterial infections but also to increase HCQ's potency. The results are only controversial because powerful forces just don't want HCQ to succeed. The VA study in the US was a retrospective and was conducted by opthalmologists! HCQ in the VA study was given to patients who were already dying (of course, that would be too late). HCQ is effective if given early. To end on a very positive note, here's a quote from Dr. Stephen Smith on his opinion on HCQ's impact on this pandemic: "I think this is the beginning of the end of this pandemic. I'm very serious about this."

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by firestarter View Post
    By pinoys apil naka ana sa?
    No, ikaw ra.

    Manipulation of media? Halos tanan man tingale naa gyud nay media group para ma influence ang mga tawo - freedom of speech and the media.
    Freedom of speech? Does that mean I can say every thought-out dissenting opinion without any consequence from the internet police? If so, why is fb, youtube and twitter taking down contrarian reports from skeptic medical experts from all over the world? You wouldn't even believe if I said, the test kits used globally have a really high false positive rate that even a fruit and a goat tested positive of the virus. This is why leading studies from SK, Iceland, Germany and Switzerland have shifted their methods from virus testing to antibody testing but most noypi would rather hear information from Jessica Soho or any news anchor. That it the weirdest shit that has happened to the 21st century homo sapiens. Since every idiot now has an access to social media, we rapidly devolved into something that even a mere A.I has better detection of all the nuances in the environment.

    Do you think it is only the Philippines that's doing media campaigns?
    By essence, only the US, and the rest of SEA are doing quite poorly in dealing with mass hysteria. I understand North America's turmoil because, just as you said, elections are coming and the opposition is doing everything they can to destroy current regime even if they had to kill innocent civilians by voluntarily plugging in ventilators to those that don't actually need it.

    Moving to the issue at hand, only the PH saw a sharp fall in the GDP out of all the ASEAN members and will be expecting more economic contraction the following months if not the whole year. What does that mean? I think you know the answer you are just probably going to ignore all that because each one of us are indirectly affected by the stocks. The PH may have ordered a 30-days grace period to all loans, credits and bank transaction and probably an extension to that as part of the stimulus but it doesn't change the fact that the PSE announced a 24% drop out of the P18T GDP output from last year.

    Abuse of power because iyang gi ECQ? Halos tanan man country nag quarantine boss.
    More than half the world is under lockdown, yes.
    The number of countries which imposes strict military enforcement w/ a shoot to kill order? Kita ra. Pinoy Pride.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by hitch22 View Post
    The fatality rate, if we just go by the data worldwide, would be a scary 7%.
    CFR went overboard because of over-counting. Dr. Birx herself told the media about this. And with new studies showing much higher infection rate, CFR will be much lower than previously thought. But of course, they wouldn't tell us about this info because, you know... everything went according to their plan.

    Epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis from Stanford says it's a widespread yet mild disease. Suprisingly, even CNN published this. Clown world.

    New York Times journalist and critic Alex Berenson writes on Twitter: "Let’s be clear: the fact the nursing home deaths are not front and center every day in elite media coverage of COVID tells you everything you need to know about the media’s priority — which is instilling panic (and punishing Trump), not driving good health policy." Clown world.

    Denmark has also released a medical study which coincides most unpopular opinions and currently under peer reviewing.

    French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, all 1046 sailors test-positive with >90% asymptomatic and 0% hospitalization needed.

    Just think about this, the virus has been spreading since Nov last year. Supposedly has an incubation of 10-14 days where the 2 weeks meme originally came from. There should have been a spike at early Dec but there was none recorded so far. Time skip to Feb 2020 — lockdown! Everyone suddenly gets infected now. Basing on that timeline alone, one should get it already.

    Yet, in other news...

    The CEO of Youtube announced in an interview that video contributions on coronavirus that contradict the guidelines of the WHO or national health authorities will be removed.

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