Hi! We're about to celebrate my daughter's first birthday this August. First of all, I want unta to have the theme Avatar: The Last Airbender (kanang sa Nickelodeon). Preferably cartoon-style, dli katong sa movie. Seems like lisod kaayo pangitaon - I've tried browsing online and stuff. Here's what I have in mind and what i'm looking for.

1. venue - looking for an orphanage. kana unta duol guadalupe and kinda spacious ang area.

2. cake - nangita kog mudecorate ug pina avatar. haven't found any cake shop nga mu offer ani so far.

3. theme cupcakes pud, about 30 kabuok. (possible ba to get the main cake and the cupcakes on different days? - i'm planning to hold the children's party separately)

4. tarp - will serve as backdrop. will be used twice. nangita kog mu-layout

5. invitation - design lang. will be posted on fb ra.

6. balloons - maybe theme colors nalang (i think blue and orange ang avatar colors). wall decorations and table centerpieces cguro.

7. loot bags - avatar gihapon.

8. magician OR balloon twister

9. bubble machine

10. food stalls: ice cream, popcorn

...mao pa akong na think as of now. if you have any information to share, I'd really appreciate it.

# 0922 8797447