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Cosplay makeover

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Ever wondered about my username? It comes from a mixture of two known self-explanatory words; "costume" and "roleplay". It's a coined word that originated from Nov Takahashi.

From the Japanese studio called Studio Hard, he coined the term cosplay – a contraction of the English-language words costume play – while attending the 1984 Los Angeles Science Fiction Worldcon. He was so impressed by the hall and masquerade costuming there that he reported about it frequently in Japanese science fiction magazines. This follows a common Japanese method of abbreviation: combining the first two moras of each word to form an independent compound. Costume becomes kosu (コス), and roleplay becomes pure (プレ).

Thus these became a widespread fad which is directed at anime and game characters and it has become a known hobby since then. It is a new way of displaying fashion in streets, more like "on-studio stage magic" upgraded to the mobile "in-your-face street magic".



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