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  1. Condemn or Commend?

    by , 02-16-2016 at 10:52 PM (On Angst and Arrogance – Istoryan Troller , Why aren't you who you really are?)
    An Ideal Father or The Unfaithful Husband
    "Men have certain innate needs that must be met"

    A true story of a man...
    When he is with his wifey and kiddos, he painted a picture of a loving family portrait,
    A good provider , a caring father...
    Who would have thought that behind that ideal father image and a loving husband hides another man,
    A man, his wife and kiddos thought they know well turn out to be someone else…

    Updated 02-17-2016 at 01:23 AM by miramax

  2. On Angst and Arrogance – Istoryan Troller , Why aren't you who you really are?

    by , 08-13-2014 at 08:29 PM (On Angst and Arrogance – Istoryan Troller , Why aren't you who you really are?)
    It bothers me quite a bit to notice the increasing number of istoryans who are hiding behind their computer and carelessly thrusting text into Ars for no reason are growing rapidly, making pointless trolls and hide from their own words. With no care about the subject matter they are posting on as they tried to get people arguing just for the mere fun of it.

    What is it about cyberspace that makes it right, or necessary, or even favorable, to portray yourself as someone you aren't?

    Updated 08-14-2014 at 02:42 AM by miramax

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